524 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 1771. 1904. ing is concluded the jury, or a majority of them, shall return to said court, in writing, its verdict of the amount to be found due and payable asdamages sustained b reason of the opening of said highways under the provisions thereof? and of the pieces or parcels of land benefited by such plpening and the amount of the assessment for such benefits inst e same. ibegsmieietg v·l¤¢ Srzc. 5?gThat if the useof a part only of any piece or parcel of ground ° p° ° °shall be condemned, the jury, in determining its value, shall not take . into consideration any benefits that may accrue to the remainder thereof from the opening of said highways, but such benefits shall be consid- ` ered in determining what assessment shall be made on or against such part of sucih piece or parcel of land as may not be taken as hereinbeore rovi ed. · R°**°W of *’°¤“°*- Sag. 6. That the court shall have wer to hear and determine any objections which may be tiled to saidxirerdict or award, and to set aside and vacate the same in whole or in part, when satisied that it is unjust orilunrixeaaonableédand in sucgm event a new jury fl bphsummoned, wosa roce toassess damagesorbenetgas ecasemay be, in respgct of the land as to which the verdict my be vacated, as num. in the caseof the first jury: Provided, That if vacated in part, the £°°°*f"“°°°l“ residue of the verdict and award as to the land condemned or assessed rum; ucepucun. shall not be affected thereby: And provided further, That the exceptlions ofxépbjplctions to tlje vegdict gpd awgrd shalll be filed within thirty ays a r e return 0 suc ver 'ct an awar . . 1’¤r¤¢¤=•>fv¤¤¤¤¤- Sec. 7. That when the verdict of said jury shall have been finally ratiiied and confirmed by the court, as herein provided, the amounts ‘ » of money awarded and adjudged to be yable for lands taken under the provisions hereof shall be paid to th: owners of said land by the Treasurer of the United States, ex officio commissioner of the sinking fund of the District of Columbia, upon the warrant of the Commis- ` siopers (gi said District, out {pf the revenups ofl the District of (Polumpia; Ap ropriation from an a su cient sum to y eamountso said ° ents an awa s is m“"£" '"°"“°°‘ hereby appirppriated oiit of the revenues of tli rict of Columbia. Cvgecdoncf mes- Sec. 8. t when confirmed by the court the several assessments '?“°"herein dprovided to be made shal severally be alien upon the land assesse , and shall be collected as special imuprovement taxes in the District of Columbia, and shall be payable in ve equal annual installments, with interest at the rate of four per centum per annum from and after sixty days after the confirmation of the verdict and award. dubgéyegwgghg In all cases of payments the accounting officers shall take into ° ”° ° alccaunt the Iassesspient fo; bepefitslaind the award for damages, and s a pay on y suc part 0 said awa in res tof an lotas ma be in excess of the assessment for benefits againdlzethe part? of such log not takpn, and there shall befcredjted on said assessment the amount of ’ sai awar not in excess 0 said assessment. rmceszmgt. That said court may allow amendments in form or substance in any petition, process, record, or proceeding, or in the description of property proposed to be taken, or of property assessed for benefits whgneveptlsuch amendments ggvill not interfere with the substantial ri ts o e parties interest . csmpemmon of T1-:.0. 9. That each juror shall receive as compensation the sum of i‘"°"" five cézélhzrs perhday for his scervicles during the tgme lite shall be actually _ en in suc services un er the rovisions ereo . nggprncgdndm ru: She. 10. That the sum of three hdhdred dollars is hereby appropri- " ated, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to provide the nfegpssary fpnds for the cpsts and expenses of the condemnation proc ings ta en pursuant ereto. - APP¢•l¤¤¤¤wd•>1¤r Sec. 11. That no appeal b any interested arty from the decision eh E. B °i m°i"°°”‘ of the supreme court of the District of Cdlumbia contirmin the ‘ V assessment or assessments of benefits or damages herein provided for,
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