536 FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 1779, 1780. 1904. P'°°°°‘“°€°- That said court may allow amendments in form or substance in any petition, process, record, or proceeding, or in the description of prop- . erty pro osed to be taken, or of property assessed for benefits when- ` ever such amendments will not inter ere with the substantial rights of ‘ the parties interested. · ¤¤¤r>¤¤¤¤¤<>¤<>f5¤· Sec. 9. That each juror shall receive as compensation the sum of N"' five dollars per day for his services during the time he shall be actually en ed in such services under the provisions hereof. APP'°P'l***°” *°" Sec. 10. That the sum of three hundred dollars is hereby appropriuP°m°s` ated, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to provide the ` necessary funds for the costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant hereto. °pQ},’m,°9.,;;fé§,‘§ _Sec. 11. That no ap al by any interested party from the decision of the supreme court opthe District of Columbia confirming the assessment or assessments of benefits or damages herein provided for, nor any other proceeding at law or in equity by such partly against the confirmation of such assessment or assessments, shall elay or prevent the payment of award to others in respect to the prtaperty condemned, nor dela or revent the taking of any of sai_ roped;3 mtdmd, sought to be condemned nor the opening of suc street: , ¢¤¤¤- however, That upon the iinal determination of said appeal or other proceeding at law or in equity the amount found to be due and pay- able as damagessustained b reason of the extension of said street under the provisions hereof shall be paid as hereinbefore provided. Approved, April 28, 1904. ° APN 25-1** CHAP. 1780.-—An Act To grantto the State of Minnesota certain lands for forestry [s. 4401.] PED0Sés_ [Public, No. 212.] T . Be it enacted by the Senate andHmue of Re_preaentat¢?uea of the United g,?§‘,}‘f‘§{‘j,,,,d, ,0, States of Amer1Jea in Congress assembled, That the State of Minnesota, www p¤rr>¤¤¤· through its State land commissioner and State forestry board, is hereby authorized to select for experixnental forestry purposes not to exceed twenty thousand acres of vacant public land within said State not heretofore withdrawn or reserved, and as nearly as practicable in one body and from lands which, according to the field notes of the Government surveyors, are third or fourth rate; which lands are hereby ranted to
said State of Minnesota for forestry purposes: Provided, gfhat said
selection of lands shall have the approval of the Secretary of the Inte- R°'*"’°“°"· rior: And provided further, That no tract shall be included in this grant whic , in the opinion of the Forester of the United States ureuu of Forestry, should form a part of any United States forest reserve. · ,,,*Q“§‘§§§’}ff§“mp’° Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to make accurate lists and (plats of all such lands, and transmit the same to the governor of said State, to cause patents to be issued to said State therefor conveying to said State the fee simple of said lands: A1 d' °,-'l‘,,Q,1,,,,,, ,,0, Provzded, That this Act shal not pre`udice any adverse claim to any of
- °,j'},{f_·mbeu_ed, or said lands: Andprovided urther, That the land hereby anted shall
tcmuypuqmuoniy. be cared for and mana by the State of Minnesota, ancgdhall beused for forestry purposes onlyl; and if the said land, or any part thereof, shall cease to be so used the said lands or such art shall revert to the United States and become a part of the public cllomain. Approved, April 28, 1904..