542 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 1790-1792. 1904. A1}? GHAP. 1790.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act granting a charter to ____;_; tll;gdGengral Federation of Women’s C1ubs," approved March third, nineteen hunnmbun, N0. mg an one. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0; Rqwesentatives of the United %;f,"g§"F9c‘f§;‘,’QQ{f,§, States of {America in Oengreaa acs , the Act entitled "An ¤¢y;_<im·§¤;’¤ Gluqsiss Act grantuig a charter to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs," mended. ’ p`approved arch third, nineteen hundred and three, be, and it is hereby, amended by adding thereto one section, to be designated as section four, which will read as follows: “°°““” “Sec. That said_ corporation be, and it is hereby, authorized to hold its biennial meetings at such places outside of Washington, in the District of Columbia, as it from time to time may deem best." Approved, April 28, 1904.
- P"“”·l’°‘· CHAP. 1791.-An A tT amend mA on 'tled "" ’c.
printing and binding and ineiianmmnunn ogaubllic dm$n»`itgi··Pm“dm8 M Publi
’ ·_ Be it enaatedby the Senate and House 0 Rmescntatinec of the United £‘{,,l{2‘{,.§’§i§,{‘§E50,. States of America in Qongresc ascembled{.That chapter twenty-three of
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- §*·“0f*{,m},’]$,¥;f,;*é the Statutes of the United States entitled "An Act providing for pubma mm:. lic printing and bindi§ and the distribution of public documents,"
apprsved anuary twe h, eighteen hundred and ninety-five (Statutes at Egg, tvgenfy-eight, page six hundred and six), be,·and is hereby, . amen as o ows: Session laws. vn;. as, p. 614. In ragraph twenty of section seventy-three, strike out the words . "to th; Department of labor, Eve copies;" and insert after the words "to the Department of Agriculture, fifty c0pies," the words "to the Delpartment of Commerce and Labor, three hundred copies." _ 8,,,,,,,, ,,1,,g,_ n paragraph twenty-four of section seventy-three, strike out the . V""` W" Z'L`2‘“.in鑧 WED ]}?.%“'BT§2§$€ I€"'°€':i”"*’ .‘.i°,.*?""tz"‘ i"S"“ »?“t£’ n o gmc re y co ies c
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n rvice, ee un r co IGS. In paragraph sixty-eight of section seventy-three, strikld out the $:}f*;,l wr- words “to the Department of Labor, four copies;" and also the words to the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, two copies;" and insert gter th; wardgto) the Departpigrgt of Agriculture, fifteen copies," e wor s o e epartment o mmerce and Labor, one hundred and fifty copies. " Approved, April 28, 1904. A ’“”‘·*?°*· CHAP. 2.- · ·- ,, · · · .._[P_fT;2$?=gU- mgm, a33i.; n.é`i‘€£§Z.$°0P§Z€d§r,Z’LfT“ “d‘“°“ I “““°°‘“‘° "’“°‘°° °‘ “‘° Be it enacted by the Senate and House of1n’epresentat¢}a:es of the United jlguigégifggmix States of America in O0n§·ess assembled That hereafter the supreme ,,,_ P'°"‘°°° court of the Territory of ew Mexico shall consist of a chief ]ustice mw. and Eye assocnategustices, any four of whom shall constitute a quorum: g.,,mc¤,,,,_ Thlaitlts e w ho plresided at the trial of a cause in the co ow s no S1 at the caring of the same case on appeal or . writ of error in the su reme court of the Territo OD. • ' ig? Sec. 2. That it shah be the duty of the President to appoint one additional associate ipstice of said supreme court in manner now provided by law, who s all hold his office for the term of four years and until his successor IS appointed and qualified.