544 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 1794, 1795. 1904. april 28. 1904- GHAP. 1794.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to add to the Br mm] segregation of coal and asphalt lands in the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, Indian [Public, No. 226.] Territory, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representati/ues of the United g;¤<>c¤v;iN¤¤;>;¤ad,_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the aoniieieiaiméiia as- Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to segregate an reserve Ph"" ‘““d’· from allotment, and to cancel any filings or applications that may heretofore have been made with a view to allotting the following-described D'°°“*’“°“· lands, situate in the Choctaw Nation, to wit: The north half of the south half of the southeast uarte1·, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter'of the soulihwest quarter of section nine; the north hphiof thih hplzfl of thi Slough palf of seption ten,1 the nortlg gal; · 0 e sou 0 c sout a 0 Section c even, an the nort a of thelsonhth hallfdpf the southwest quarter of section tyvelxée, gl] ig towns i ve no ,·ran nineteen east, containing two un re an fifty acrlds, more- or less;ga-ind the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section eight, township five north, range nineteen east, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section seven, township five north, range nineteen east, containing eighty acres, more or ess. ~ 'mldgggdmpeghglj Sec. 2. That `tbe provisions of sections fifty-six to sixty-three, giggle. inclusive, of the Act of Con approved July first, nineteen hunv°l‘°Q’pp‘°`5`°"°5°‘ dreg alpd fvl:o, entitled glAnkAct to brgtify and confirm an agreemint V wit the (J octaw an ic asaw tri s, an or other purposes, e, and the same are hereby, made a licable to the lands above described, the same as if the said describeclqiands had been made a part of the segregation, as contemplated by said sections fifty-six to sixtiy-three, _ inclusive, pfrsaigeéibpyle Apt aéiproxgd Jxpyhiirg, nineteen undfd - · an two: ori , at the ecre r o the nterior ma in is Manmhiheindsldglea discretion, add said lands to and mak; them a part of the tidal and asphalt mining leases now in effect, and to which said lands above described are conti ous, the lands in each case to be added to and - made a part of the duease to which they are adjacent and which they _ join, Government subdivisions being followed as. nearly as possible: ,,,€`${§§§{,_ f" ““` Provided further, That the holder or holders of the lease or eases to which such lands shall be added, shall, before the same are addedhpay 3re_Ir1dH1n“;r Ipsdrans wlho have tiled upon or plpphed Tir such lam slas err a o en , or w 0 are in ossession ereo , e va ue 0 e impgovernents placed on the land, by said Indian or Indians, such value to determined under the direction of the Secretar of the Interior: S"' And provided further, That said lands shall be sold, as other leased posi and asphalt lands the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations in the nc mn erritory are so . m'f,*‘°‘é*f}f§·°f,§§‘§0’;‘g _ SEP. 3. That the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Company Gt•;mp¤¤f·lm»y·¤s¤ig¤¤. is hereby authorized and empowered to sublet, assign, transfer, and ° " °°° M"' set over the leases which it now has upon coal lands in Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, or any of them. The assignees or sublessees of said Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Company shall tile good and sufficient bonds for the faithful rformance of the terms of the original leases, to be approved by th; Secretary of the Interio1·. Approved, April 28, 1904.
CHAP. 1_795.—An Act To confirm the title to lots three, four, and five in square numbered mne hundred and seventy-nme,1n Washington, in the District of Columbia.
_ Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatioes 0 the United iiihcgiidocdigngnhié States of Ame1·?ga in Congress assembler; Tg the Secregry of lVar §j‘°"°“"’°"*¥"‘°°~ be, and he is herebv. authorized and directed to investi ate, or cause to be investigated, the title of Thomas H. G. Todd to algthose lots or parcels of ground situated in the city of Washington. District of