552 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1806. 1904. $*****6- Sec. 6. That the salaries of said board shall be Eve dollars to each member for each day of actual service and all legitimate expenses incurred in the discharge of official duties. The secretary of said board shall receive an additional salary, to be fixed by the board, and not to exceed five hundred dollars per annum. He shall pay to the treasurer at each meetin , or whenever the board may direct, such funds of the board as maydie in his possession fang takp the treasurer’s repeglpt P'°*"*’°· . th f ·: P- Vded That no rt o the sa aries or expenses o e Kzilginiilrgwmlmesi boiiliid ghall bg/uaidiby the Umptgd States Government. In its annual . reports to the lndian Territory Pharmaceutical Association the board shall render an account of all moneys received and disbursed pursuant ’ to this Act, and the secretary and treasurer shall give such bond as the board shall from time to time dpect. d tk_ A t h FM M ¤==¤¤¤¤¤· Sec. 7. That every person see in registration un er IS c w ose u°°’°t°` registration is not otherwise provided for, shall make applicdtion in form and manner prescribed by the board, and deposit wit the secretary of the board a. fee of five dlpllzps Qherlrh on presenting lpngsep at th time and lace directed by the a a sustaininga sa is ac o examination, he shall be granted an ap rdpriate certincate setting forth P¤¤j· , his particular qualifications: Provuxd, That in case of failure of mm. l apphcant to pass a satisfactory examination he shall be entitled to a ` . second examination, without charge at the next succeeding meeting of Permit- the board: Provided further, That persons provided for in section tweltée of this Apt shall receive; pepmit on application and sat1sfactory roo o o c aracter an so r1e y. f eg{1¤“¤l ’°¤i¤*¤***°¤ P Sac; _8.i’lThat every regislteriexd tphalrméncist antd eyery alsgistapltepéigfmacis in e meamn o IS c w o esires o on n n ·— suit and practice of gharmacy in this Territory shéill annulalgy, aftler ‘ the expiration of the first year of registration an on or e ore the second day of July of each year, pay to the secretary of the board of pharmacy a renewal fee, to be fixed b the board, but which shall not exceed two dollars, in return for which arenewal of registration shall P~¤*¢w· be issued: Promded, That persons receivingi permits under section Amm°1p°mM°°f twelve of this Act shall pay a fee of one o lar per annum to the board. If any person should fail or neglect to procure his annual registration, or permit, as herein specified, notice of such failure having been mailed to his po§t—oi'tice alddress, the; boagd may, agter the ex iration of thirty da s fo owing the issue o said notice eprive hirii of his registration sind all other privileges conferred by ’this Act; and in order to regain registration it shall be necessarydfplr such person to make application and pass examination as provide in section seven of this Act. Cerrmcnres of res- Sec. 9. That every person registered under this Act shall receive im;" from the Territorial board an appropriate certificate, not exceeding in size one hundred and twenty spuarp inclpea, which shpgl Ee popgpicpous] * dis layed at all times in IS ace o usiness. the o er e entigled tb managle or conduct a pharmacy in this Territory for himself or another, the fact shall ble set forth in‘the ceirhgcate. t h Peneiwfvr keeping Sec. 10. That any person w o is not a registere p armacis in the gifig;¤i2·ir$sit€5’ meaning of this Act who shall keep a pharmacy, store, or shop for the ‘“°°"‘· compounding andl dispensing of physicians prescriptiozf, and who shal not have in is employ in said pharmacy store or s op a registered pharmacist in the meaning of this Act, sihall fdr each and every offense be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars.
- 1*** *0* ¤¤l¤W· Sec. 11. That any person who shall unlawfully and without authorml use gmk; ity of this Act take, use, or exhibit the title of a registered pharmacist.
or assistant pharmacist in the Indian Territory shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars for each and every offense. A like penalty shall attach to any assistant pharn1acist who shall, without authority,