554 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 1806~1808. 1904. penser, such a book to be always open for inspection by the proper Pmmpuous. authorities and to be preserved for at east five years. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the dispensing of poisons in no; · unusual uantities, or doses u n the prescription of practitioners 0 Penalty- · medicine? Any violation ot th)d)provisions of this sectjop shall make the offender liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars an not more than one_ hundred dollars, and upon conyictiou for the second offense, in addition to the fine he shall have his name stricken from , the re `ster. P¤¤¤¤¢ m¤“<=i¤¤¤· Sm?'115. That any itinerant vender of anydrug, nostrum, ointment, cudnnual neeme to or appliance of any kind, intended for the treatment of diseases or ’°“‘“°““ injury, who shall, by writing, or (printing, or_any other method, publicly rofess to cure or treat any iseases, or mjury, or deformity, by ' any din , nostrum, or manipu ation, or other expedient, shall pay a license og one hundred dollars for the term of one year or; less, to be paid to the treasurer of thehboard of pharmacy, andf by him paidwtji the Territorial treasurer w ereupon the secretary o the board s rssany. issue a license for one year. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction be fined in apy sum not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred . dol rs. · ·'¤¤’ *=¤*=¤*P°*°¤· Sec. 16. That all persons registered under the provisions of this Act and actively engaged in the practice of pharmacy shall he exempt from servin as jurors. b;zF'{,“,§*¤**;'Ij{,fi;’°'},; Sec. 17. That should the secretary or treasurer of said board willphnrmucybcurd. full misappropriate or convert to their own use an mone comin Y PP (P Y my E into their han s by virtue of their official capacity such 0 cer sha upon_couv1ction be adjudged guilty of embezzlement and punished by imprisonment not exceeding two years and flue not less than double the amount so misappropriated or embezzle . Approved, April 28, 1904. ‘i$Y”¤i”ii=?i t..E.?€.iac%€$7a.m"*§ £.°2KfiY¥t¤f‘éiti*f l°iE‘;‘f£Tlt3*}iS.¥.’.‘I.Y‘Xi.Z'iZ.Y’i“t*`°°“” _ [Public, No. 239.] , mu Be it enacted by the Senate and House o_fRej2¢·ecentativea of the I/Zzited triillm N db State: of America in Omzgreas assembled, That section twenty-five hun- ,;'l§’,{{$,'.l' '"d° "°'° dred and ninety-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States, 5,,%-·,§;餔g°°a_””· P- second edition, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, be amended by striking out the word "Sitka" in the last line of the section and inserting in ieu thereof the word "Juneau." The collector of customs fo1· the customs collection district of Alaska shall reside at Juneau, which is hereby made and constituted the port of entry for said district instead of Sitka.' Approved, April 28, 1904. April ze, 1904. CHAP. 1808.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "Au Act to establish a code of I -K 4**-1 nw sor the District or Columbia." [Publi , No. 240.] _ _ _ e _ Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Regweaentatwee of the Ubzzted c,%*j"'°‘°‘ °°l“'“*’"’ States of America in Congress assembled, That the following amendaugllégi, p.1325. mentiis hereby made to "An Act to establish a_c0de of law for the ‘ District of Co umb1a," approved March third, nineteen hundred and one: F¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤<1i¤¤c¤¤¤ "S1·:c. B33a. Whoever being in possession of personal ro t (sl-.li1p`?,rrij*Tg°°°°"°””} received upon a written ahd conditional contract of sale, with lhtdftrtb
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