574 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 1825-1827. 1904. Agfgwigj d 1825.—A.n Act Constituting Coal City, Grundy County, Illinois, a nort of `` C 1VCI'y. . ublic, No. 257. [P J Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe_p1•esentattnes of the United g},‘,’§°§§‘§‘,’ m_ States 0 f America ln Ocngresa assembled, That Coal City, Grundy M¤¤©t£¤c¤ Oéeggyé County, Illinois, be, and hereby IS, constituted a port of delivery in the iisynsgtmtigii pnvi. customs collection district of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, and that l°{"g_`,Sec_2m,_P_5u’ the privileges of immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise nrgegdgi-P m conferred by the seventh section of the Act of June tenth, eighteen ' ’' hundred and eighty, entitled "An Act to amend the statutes in relation to immediate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purposes," be, and the same are hereby, extended to said port. Approved, April 28, 1904. A§¥uR¤t·3}&*· CHAP. 1826.-An Act To relieve obligors on bonds 'ven to the United States
upon the ex rtation to the Phrlie Islands prrorto dlovembcr twentieth, mne-
[P¤¤1i¤,No.25e] teen hundredcand one, of articles to internal-revenue tax. £}‘,¥§{{,i{{{’0{,“1§}‘°c§‘,. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of 1{_e£·resentatines of the United g-*§*cf;P°shg°P;*g‘$Q: °¤ States of America in Ocmgress assembled, t all bonds given to the ' United States prior to November twentieth, nineteen hundred and one, upon the transportation and shipment to the Philippine Islands of articles subject under existing statutes to the payment of internalrevenue tax, which are in form given for the proper exportation of the article therein described to a foreign country free of internal-revenue tax, or with beneit of drawback, as the case may be, shall be treated in all respects as if given for and upon a shipment to a foreign country, and shall be canceled upon presentation of evidence of the shipment to a port of the Philippine Islands, or of landing at such port, as the case may be, the same as if such lport `were a port of a foreign country. cm“]j*s° *°* P'°¤°¤**¤¤ The oblr ors upon any of suc bonds shall have such reasonable time ' from and after the passage of this Act as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury within which to present the evidence required by existing statutes for the cancellation o such bonds. Approved, April 28, 1904. ?Ig*’%2Qk,},,°gt· CHAP. 1827.-An Act To provide for the settlement of certain outstanding checks _i.;{G;.J.,€5.7 S5 .1 . drawn by the drsbursing officcrs of the District of Columbia. Dhmncfcolumbm Be it enacted by the Senate and [knee <éfRqw·e~eza.tat¢ia·e.v of the [bt/ted Antenna u1_ en; Slater of rlmerica in Congress assmnble , That hereafter, at the begin- §,§§,’},'Q,$,‘Q{',‘gQ.’{§, ,,2*},5, ning of each iiscal year, or as soon thereafter as maybe practicable, the ,·}y€ra;#;¤d l¤ ***6 respective amounts represcntcd by checks drawn by the disbursing `officer of the District o Columbia, or by any former disbursing officer of said District, which have remained outstanding, unsatisfied, and unpaid for three years or more, shall be deplosited by the Treasurer of the United States and covered back into the reasury by warrant to the gwggpgunevvm credit of a permanent appropriation account to he denominated "Out- Pstanding liabilities, District of Colurubia," and shall be carried to the credit of the respective parties in whose favor such checks were issued upon the books of the auditor of the District of Columbia, in like 1:. s., sec. p.51. manner as the amounts re resented by checks of disbursing officers of the United States which have remained outstanding, unsatisfied, and un aid for- thr·ee years or more are covered back into the Treasury. ¤’¤¥¤=¤¤¢¤>¤¤¤¤¢¤¤- ssc. 2. That the payee or bona fide holder of any check drawn by the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia, or by any former disbursing officer of said District, the amount of which has been so covered back into the Treasury of the United States, shall, upon appli-