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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/683

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596 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 22. 1904. provided, to sell or dispose of unallotted lands embraced in the Yakima _ ndian Reservation proper, in the State of Vlrashington, set aside and V°l·12·¥’·°°r established by treaty with the Yakima Nation of Indians, dated June {,*'¤9gj•°;i·,m www eighth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five: B~ovz`ded,. That the claim of uma. said Indians to the tract of land adjoining their present reservation on the west, excluded by erroneous boundary survey and containin approximately two hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred ifi i*T’t·Y"§‘2.Z-`$3?§T€Z;.?.'€’.$L1i2€ ZE iii h`€$i’f§.Zi*§1$€2§‘32“‘?£o§i thy the Secretaryd of them nterilor April spventh, niriieteen hunched, is ere y reco iz ,an e said tract s a be re r ed asa art of the Yakima Indian Reservation for the purposes SI this Act? Provided mI§}g§(f,gd‘f‘ '°*“‘?” further, That where valid rights have been acquired dprior to March fifth, nineteen hundred and four, to lands within said tract by bona Edie sezttltersdor purcliasers pnder pho plufnlip-land lavly , snichdrgights shall no a r1 ge ,an anycaimo said n ianstot ese n ishereby declared to be fully compensated for by the expenditure of money herektpfore lmadgor tliug benefit and in the construction of 1rr1gation wor on the ima n ian Reservation. Allounanta. · · · Sm. 2. That allotments of land shall be made under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to any Indians entitled thereto, including Dm A { children now living born since the completion of the existin allotments in-;w§,,f°§§§' °' who have not heretofore received suc allotments. The Secretary of the Interior is also authorized to reserve such lands as he may deem necessary or desirable in connection with the construction of contemplated irrigation systems, or lands crossed by existing irrigation ·

0l;es;l:i)s<; laipds rrieceszraggl fop agency, sc(hc;ol,band religious pulr-

· a uc rac or cso grazmgan 1m er an sasmay e deemdd expedient for the use and benefit of the Indians of said reserva- Q,;'Qgém°u m_ tion in common: Provided, That such reserved lands, or any portion <>f reserved lands-thereof, may be classified, appraised, and disposed of from time to A mm of uml_ time under the terms and provisions of this Act. 1¤u$d1»mas,em. Sec. 3. That the residue of the lands of said reservation—that is, the lands not allotted and not reserved—shall be classified under the clhredcgtion ci; the (Secretary pif; tge Intericér asdirriggble lands, grazigg n tim r an s minera n s, or ari lan s an s a lbeapprai under their appropriate classes by legal subdiwiisiognsa with the exception of the minera lands, which need not be apprai , and the timber on the lands classified as timber lands shall appraised separately from the lpnd. Ilfhe basis ipr thelappraisal ofh the tmiber slha libs the amount o stan ing mere anta e tim er thereon, w ic s a be ascertained and reported. ,,3Y§,',{L‘§,$Pf]““°”’°' Upon completion of the classification and a raisements the irri - ble, grazing, and arid lands, and the timbered)iimds u on the com5;- tion of the classiiication, appraisement, and the sale and) removal of the t1mber therefrom, shall be isposed of under the general provisions of the homestead laws of the United States, and shall be opened to settlement and entry at not less than their appraised value by proclamation of the President, which proclamation shall prescribe the manner in which these lands shall be settled upon, occupied, and entered by persons entitled to make entry thereof, and no person shall be permitted to settle upon, occupy, or enter any of said lands, except as pnescribed m such proclamation, until after the expiration of sixty ays from the time when the same are opened to settlement and entry: sizgiggmdauon, }*;·E;,;Sdeéd,tThat ttheirightsdoghonoiilably discl5a€·lgedPl}{pionsoldiers and nm munmea. Sa a c vi an ms wars an e 1 1 me insurrec-

$§,,§··“°““·”°‘·m5· tion, as defined and describedain sections twentvthreidphundred and

V0!-31.r.847» four gag ltwentyxhreef mndrlpdnand live of the Revised Statutes, as amen e y the ct o arc rst, nineteen hundred and one shall “'*°°°“"P"’“°°‘* not be abridged: Prwidedfurther, That the price of said lands’when