598 F1FTY-r:1eHTH conensss. sms. 111. ou. 22. 1904. wagons, horses, farm implements, materials for houses, and other necessary and useful artic es, as may be deemed best to promote their welfare and aid them in the adoption of civilized pursuits and in improving and building homes for themselves on their allotments: P··<M~>- wh Provided, That a portion of the proceeds may be paid to the Indians mgritsfapiu P`"` in cash per ca ita, share and share alike if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Ihterior such paymentswiil further tend to improve the condition and advance the progress of said Indians, but not otherwise. Wmr *¤¤*· Sec. 5. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in the cases of entrymen and purchasers of lands now irrigated or that may be hereafter irrigated from systems constructed for the benefit of the Indians, to re uire such annual proportionate payments to be made P·‘°***•¤•- as may be just and equitable for the maintenance of said systems: Pro- ,-;§§§_’°°°°l °"‘°°' vided, That in appraising the value of irrigable lands, such sum per 4 acre as the Secretary of the Interior may eem proper, to be determined as nearly as ma be by the total cost of the irrigation system or systems, shall be addedy as the proportionate share of the cost of lacing water on said lands, and when the entryman or purchaser shall have ` · paid in full the appraised value of the land, including the cost of plroviding water therefor, the Secretary of the Interior shall give to im _ such evidence of title in writing to a perpetual water right as may be ¤’,§0°;“?,$§,*{f°““”‘ deemed suitable: Provided, That the Secretary of the nterior shall have power to determine and direct when the management and operation of such irrigation works shall pass to the owners of the lands irrigated thereby, to bemaintained at their expense, under such forms of orglanization and under such rules and regulations as may be acceptable R°“°”°“‘ to im: Bmided also, That the title to andthe management and operation of the reservoirs, and the works necessary for their protection and operation, shall remain in the Government until otherwise provided by Congress. °°"“°“°"‘· Sec. 6. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby vested with full power and authority to make all needful rules and regulations as to — manner of sale, notice of same, and other matters incident to the carry- ing out of the provisions of this Act, and with authority to reappraise an reclassify said lands if deemed necessary from time to time, and to continue makin sales of the same, in accordance with the rovisions of this Act, until 51 of the lands shall have been disposed of: ,,,’§°I‘} "°’ Sec. 7. That nothirkg in this Act contained shall be construed to bind the United States to nd lpurchasers for any of said lands, it being the. purpose of this Act mere y to have the United States to act as trustee or said Indians in the disposition and sales of said lands and to expend or pay Ever to them the proceeds derived from the sales as herein provide . “§¤¤P¢¤¤¤ 0* ¤¤¤*¤Y· Sec. 8. That to enable the Secretary of the Interior to classify and ' appraise the aforesaid lands as in this Act provided, and to conduct t e sales thereof, and to define and mark the boundaries of the western (portion of said reservation, including the adjoining tract of two hun red and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven acres, to which the claim of the Indians is, by this Act, recognized, as ·*PP’°P"°'°i°¤· above set out, and to completethe surveys thereof,. the sum of fifty- three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated from any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the m-wm sales of the aforesaid lands: Provided, That when funds shall have been procured from the iirst sales of the land the Secretary of the Interior may use such portion thereof as may be actually necessary in conducting future sales and otherwise carrying out the provisions of this Act. Approved, December 21, 1904.
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