Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/721

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634 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905.

  • `“**l·°*°· For fuel, oil, and cotton waste, and advertising, for the heating

ap ratus, exclusive of labor, twenty-five thousand dollars. F¤m**“*'°· Er purchase of furniture, six thousand dollars. For materials for furniture and repairs of same, exclusive of labor, two thousand do lars. For services in cleaning, repairing, and varnishing furniture, two thousand dollars. Fucking b°*°°· For packing boxes, nine hundred and seventy dollars. ”‘°°°*‘““°°““i°"'““· For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, one hundred thousand dollars. · M“’“’Y B““‘““g·‘ For miscellaneouis items on acipount (if the Maltby Building, eighteen ‘ thousand four hun red and eig ty dollars. I“"°’“g““°““· For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, including compensation to stenographers to committees, at such rate as may be fixed b the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, but not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five _ cents per printed page, twenty thousand ollars. R°*’°’”“g “°”°°°’· For reportingt e debates and proceedings of the Senate, twenty- ‘ five thousand dollars, payable in equal monthly installments. B§f,§§L‘f’· ***1***** For repairs of Maltby Building, two thousand dollars. S¤>¤e¤ w¤¤¤¤<>¤¤¢· For rent of warehouse for storage of public documents for the Senate, three thousand six hundred dollars. C"‘*‘“°l*’°“°°· oxrrror. muon. P“Y· For captain, one thousand six hundred dollars, and three lieutenants, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; thirty privates, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; thirty privates, at nine hundred and sixty dollars each; and nine watchmen, at nine hundred dollars each, oue-half of said privates and watchmen to be selected by the Sergeant—at—Arms of the Senate and one-half by the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives; in all, seventy-five thousand one hundred dollars, one half to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Sgrigte and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House _ o. epresentatives. C°”““¥°“*°‘P°“““· For contingent expenses, three hundred dollars, one half to be disbursed gy the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the erk of the House of Representatives. _ ooNGn¤ssroNAL DIRECTORY. C°¤¤'°"*°¤°l Dt For expenses of compiling, vreparing and indexing the Congresmctory sional •DlPOCt0lE’, to be expended under, the direction of the Joint Committee on rinting. one thousand six hundred dollars. m{{Q;*f<* °* **°P'“°¤· HOUSE or Rmransicxrxrrvrzs. D§Q,§,$Q§l*““°”?°d For compensation of members of the House of Representatives and Iflelegatgsd 1Hm Territories, one million nine hundred and fifty~three thousand dollars. M“€¤8€· For mileage, one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others in _ the service of the House of Representatives, namely:

  • ’*’°°k°"* °*“°°· Onion or rm; SPEAKER: For secretary to the Speaker, three

thousand dollars; clerk to the Speaker’s table, three thousand six hundred dollars, and for prepari Digest of the Rules, one thousanddollars per annum; clerk to the Speaker, one thousand six hundred dollars; messenger to the Speaker, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, ten thousand four hundred dollars. °”“"“*"· CHAPLMN: For Chaplain of the House, one thousand dollars.