FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905. 651 jurisdiictipn of t§1ed'l`re{1sury Department until otherwise hereafter speci ca y provide Jy aw. _ Coxrrxomxr EXPENSES TREASURY Dnnmmnur: For the following commgemexpsum. sums, which shall be so apportioned as to prevent deficiencies therein, name y: _ hForstlatione1g*(foH the Treasury Department and its several Bureaus, S"‘“°“°”· t irtythousand dollars. · For postage required to prepay matter addressed to Postal Union *’°"°‘*¥°· countries, and for osta efor the Treasur De artment, one thousand ii h d ed d ll P g y P ve un r dollars. _ _ gpr purchasing material for binding important records, six hun- B’“““‘€· dr dollars. For newspapers, law books, city directories, and other books of N"'”¥"P°”· °°°· refeiipnce rel ating to the business of the Department, one thousand two undre dollars. For investigation of accounts and records, including the necessary I“'°““‘“"'°““· traveling expenses, and.for other traveling expenses, when ordered by the Secretary of the Treasury, in connection with special work, including the temporary employment of stenogpapiners, typewriters, accountants, or other expert services outside the. istrict of Columbia when not properly chargeable to aniy otlher applrgpgation under the control of the Treasury Department ve undre dollars. For freight, expressage, telegraph and telephone service, seven F’°i€¤°· thousand dollars. For rent of buildings, twelve thousand two hundred dollars. Rm- For rent, includin hcat,lig1ht, and janitor and elevator service, office of Life-Saving {Service, t ree thousand six hundred dollars. For rent of additional quarters for accommodation of clerical force of Auditor for the Post-Oiiice Department, fiftlgen t(l§c;Husand diglars. R ml f Mm F removal of furniture an files from ost- ce bu' ing to f'¤°_ ° - uaiitlers-rented for accommodation of clerical force of Auditor for me m the Post—OfSce Department, and erection of shelving therein, two th d dollars. _ Illbsiim urchase of horses and wagons, for office and mail S€1‘\’1C€, to H°’*°S and W¤8<>¤¤· be used) only for official purposes, care and subsistence of horses, including shoeing, spnd of gaiggps, harness. and repairs of the same, th th d fi re un re dollars. _ _ ligdr piiiidliiise df icefincluding ice for the office of the Auditor for *”°· the Post-Office Department, two thousand four hundred dollars. __ For purchase of file holders and file cases, four thousand dollars. ‘“*‘*‘*- For purchase of coal, wood, engine oils and grease., grates, grate *`“°*·*‘*¤- baskets and fixtures, blowers, coal ihfpds, coal s ovels, pokers, and to · th' the thousand five hundrcc ollars, _ rig; puiicfiasle of gas, electric current for lighting and power pur- ¥·*¤h¤•· poses gas and electric-light fixtures, electrichght wiring and material candles, candlesticks, droplights and tubing, gas burners, ga; tordhes globes, lanterns, and wicks, seventeen thousand dollars. For washin and hemming towels, for the purchase of awnings and m’°°“*¤°°*¤· fixtures window shades and fixtures, alcohol, benzme, turpcntme, varnish, baskets, belting, bellows, bowls, brooms, buckets, rushes, canvas ’crash cloth, chamois skins, cotton waste, door and window fasteners dusterS· flower-garden, street, and engine hose; lace leather, lye nails, oils plants, picks, pitchers, powders, stencil plates, hand stamps arid repairs of same, stamp ink, spittoons, soap, matches, match safes. Sponges, tacks, tm S, thermometers, tools, towels, towel racks, tumblers wire, zinc, and) for blacksmithing, repairs of machineryé removal iof rubbish, sharpenin tools, advertising for proposals, an for sales at public auction in iillfashington. District of Columbia, of condemned property belonging to the Treasury Department, payment