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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/742

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905. 655 ger, eight hundred and forty dollars; and four watchmen, at seven l Eunélreg aiglt twentyd dpllars each; in all, twenty-eight thousand six un re an wen y dollars. For salaries of special agents, and for actual e f· S M ¤8¤¤¤¤. - detailed to examine the books, accounts, and mon;y)gl1iSl(i2xi)dsiiti(tIl]ie1!s¢(iiri] 3E2i; M dwg;` gral suth)treasu1·Hes arid depositories, including national banks acting as eposx _ ries un er the requirements of section thirty-six hundred and B- S-·¤°¤-864*. I>·'f1¤- fortytnuie of tl? Relyised Statuttes of the Enitedl States], glaipa including examina -1ons 0 cas accounts a mints t ree thousand 0 rs. ` For paper for interest, transfer, rddemption, pension, and other Pnperm chan. checks an drafts for the_ use of the Treasurer of the United States, assistplpt treadsiérefs, pension agents, disbursing officers, and others, nine thousand dollars. · MINTS AND ASSAY OFF ICES gclgnu md ““’ °" Muir AT Cnnsox, NmvAnA: For assayer in charge, who shall also ¤¤¤¤¤- perform the duties of melter, two thousand dollars; assistant assayer, alnd one épiprk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; in all, tive thousand dollars. For wages of workmen and watchmen and not exceeding one thou- Wnsu. sand sm hundred arid eighgyddpgars for other clerks and employees, ree thousand six un re o rs. For incidental and contingent ezgpenses, two thousand dollars. °<>¤¤¤8¤¤¢¤¤r>¤¤¤¤¤ H Milutr 5xr1édI§:i:isrEa, Comunoozl or siaperiintendentt, four thousland 1>¤¤v¤r- _ ve un dollars· assayer meter an re ner an coiner at t ree thou.s:n;1dlpll:.rs ·chse(f dork, twobthousand give huéidredbdollarsg weig c er wothousand dollars· cas ier twothousand two undred and fifty dollars; assistant assayei, assistzint melter and retiner, and assistant coiner, at two thousand dollars each; bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; abstract clerk, warrant c erk, assistant weigh clerk, and calculating clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; calculating clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; and two clerks at one thousand two hundred dollars each; in all, thirty-eight . thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. F or wages of workmen, and adjusters, and not exceeding thirty-two “'¤¢¢¤- thousand fige hundred dollars-; {pr other clerks and employees, one _ hundred an fifteen thousan dollars. Forincidental and contin ent ex USGS,lllClll(llll’IllBlt€I'8.I1dl'CiiI10l"s <¤<>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤>¤x>¤¤¤¤··¤ was e an oss on sa e o sw eps arising rom e manu ac ure 0 ta d l l F e pe` f kth f t f ingotg for coinage and wastage and loss on sale of coiner’s sweeps, fortv thousand dollars. Mirxr AT NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA: For su rintendent, three New °*l°¤¤¤· th dii hdddll ltpedti d ousan ve un re dollars; assa ·er me er an re ner an coiner, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; assistant asdayer, assistant melter and reiiner, and assistant coiner, at one thousand nine hundred dollars each; chief clerk, and cashier, at two thousand dollars each; bookkeepcr, one thousand six hundred dollars; assistant cashier, one thoussnditw5<>lhundre<l dollar;; privaie sec re§a;·y tolsugeriéitgngent, ine hun re dollars; one cer one thousand wo un re dollarsdna messen er, nine hundred dollars; one elevator conductor, eight hundred dodars; in all, twenty-seven thousand three hundred dollars. W For w es of workmen and ad'usters and not exceeding ten t ou- °8°”· sand niugdiundred and tw}enty1do‘ll$rsilfdr other clerks and employees, fortv-two thousand eight un re dollars. _ _ For incidental and contingent expenses, including machinery, and C°¤¤¤¤*‘¤*€¤P**¤*¤€='·· repairs, wastage of operative officers and loss on sale ot sweeps, mneteen thousand dollars. Mrs': AT PH11.Ao;e1.1>n1A: For sulperintendent, four thousand five Ph¤¤<¤¢11>¤i¤- hundred dollaisg assaycr, melter an retiner, comer, and engraver, at