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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/753

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666FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905. and s;rcngth of the currents; the feeding grounds of whales and seals; the regions of storm, fog, and ice; the positions of derelicts and iioating obstructions to navigation; and the best routes to be followed by steam and by sail; including the expenses of communicating and circulating information; lithographing and engpaving; the purchase of materials for, and printing and mailing the c rt, two thousand dollars. Y°¤°¤¤* *°”*°°¤· No expenditure shall be incurred or authorized for personal services or otherwise under the H drographic Office at Washington, District · of Columbia, durin the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six except as herein authorized by appropriations under the Navy Department or under a propriations that may be made fo1' printing and binding. N¤v¤¤ 0b¤¤¤‘¤¤¤·v- NAVAL (FBSERVATORYZ For pay of three assistant astronomers, one at two thousand dollars, and two at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; one assistant in department of nautical instruments, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class two; instrument maker, one thousand five hundred dollars; electrician, one thousand five hundred dollars; photographer, one thousand two hundred dollars; five computers, at one thousand two hundred dollars ` each; librarian, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant on equatorial, one thousand dollars; assistant in spectroscopic work, one thousand dollars; stenographer and typewriter, nine .hundred dollars; foreman and captain of the watch, one thousand dollars; carpenter, and engineer, at one thousand dollars each; three firemen; six watchmen; elevatorconductor, seven hundred and twenqy dollars; and nine laborers; in all, forty-one thousand and forty dollars. °<>¤P¤°¤°*°¤¤· For miscellaneous computations, five thousand dollars. B°°*°·°‘°· For rofessional and scientific books, periodicals, engravings, hoto pbs, and fixtures for the library, seven hundred and fifty dollars. APP°'°"”· lldlr a paratus and instruments, and for repairs of the same, two thousand) dollars.

    • °¥’°“”·°°°· For repairs to buildings, iixtures, and fences, furniture, gas, chemicals, and stationery, freight (including transmission of public docu-

‘ ments through the Smithsonian exchange), foreign postage, and expressage, plants, fertilizers, and all contmgent expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. ’“’°°“‘“°°“ For fuel, oil, grease, tools, pipe wire, and other materials needed for the maintenance and repair of boilers, engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power plant, and water-supply system; purchase and maintenance of teams; material for boxing nautical instruments for transportation; paints, telegraph and telep one service, and inci- ‘ dental labor, seven thousand five hundred dollars. §‘§;§,f_.$§§’$,$· 0,,,,,, OasrnzvA·r1o1~r, Soma Ecmrsn: For observations of the total eclipse

  • ¤¤<>¤¤~ of the sun on August thirtieth, nineteen hundred and tive: For preparation and outfit of instruments and their transportation, the purchase

of additional apparatus and materials, including photographic material, the erection of suitable buildings at each station, and generally the expenses of preparation and observation, including the living expenses of parties at the several stations, five thousand dollars, to be _immediately available. ”““°“‘ ’“”"""‘°· NAUHCAL ALMANAC Orrrcm: For the followin assistants in preparing forhpublication the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, name y: ree, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; two, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; three, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two, at one thousand dollars each; one copvist and typewriter, nine hundred dollars; one assistant messenger; and one _ messenger boy, four hundred and twenty dollars; in all, fifteen thousand two hundred and forty dollars. °°'°P°*°¤*- For pay of computers on iecework in preparing for publication the American Ephemeris and) Nautical Almanac and improving the tables of the planets, moon, and stars, seven thousand dollars.