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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/755

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668 FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 111. OH. 297. 1905. clerk of class three; two clerks of class two; one clerk of class one; one clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; five clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger; three messenger boys, at six hundred dollars each; and one laborer; in all, eighteen thousand six hundred and eight dollars. T°°"'“"‘“ “""i°°’· The services of 5<illsed draftsmen and such other technical services as the Secretary of the Navy may deem necessary may be employed in the Bureau of Yards and Docks to carry into effect the various appropriations for “public works? to be paid from such appropria- Qg$°°ém tions: Provided, That the expenditures on this account for the iiscal ’yearnineteen hundred and six shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars; a statement of the persons employed hereunder an the compensation paid to each shall be made to Congress each year in the annual estimates. °°¤“¤¤°“*€*P°”°°~* CONTINGENT EXPENSES, Nsvr DEPARTMENT: For the following sums which shall be so apportioned as to prevent deiciencies therein, namel : B"°"“·°‘“· Foriprofessionalhand tgchnipal books and periodicals for Departmentrar , one thousand 0 8I‘S. ““‘“°“°"·°‘°· For statihnery, furniture, newspapers, plans, drawings, drawing materials, horses and wagons to be used only for official purposes, freight, ex ressage, postage, and other absolutely necessary expenses of . the Naviy Department and its various bureaus and offices, fourteen thousan dollars. {{§£€_B'“mi"" For the rental of Mills Building, authorized by Act of Congress I apprlpveg J sly lilrst, nineteen hundred and two, twenty-four thousand Eve un re dollars. F“°I“"°ugm‘ For coal, gas, and electric lighting of Mills Building and electric current to run presses therein, five thousand dollars. R¢P•>i¤‘¤· Bm- For repairs and materials required in maintenance of Mills Building, including oil, grease, tools, pi , wire, and other materials needed for maintenance and repair of boiieiis, engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power plant and water-supply system, five hundred dollars. Iuteri0rDci>¤r¤meu¢. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. PU Of S*°’°°=¤’· Ormom or THE Srzcnnuizrz For com nsation of the Secretar of mmmm'cl8rks’et°` the Interior, eight thousand dollars; Fil; Assistant Secretary, lrour thousand five hundred dollars, and for additional compensation while the office is held by the present incumbent, one thousand five hundred dollars; Amistant Secretarv, four thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars, and five hundred dollars additional as superintendent of the Patent Office building and other Ag>g*£;_ 0* P°¤¤*°¤ buildings of the Department of the lnterior; additional to one member of Board of Pension Appeals, acting as chief ot the board, live hundred dollars; nine members of a Board of Pension Appeals, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, at two thousand dollars each; twenty additional members of the Board of Pension A peals, to be selected and appointed by the Secretary of the Interior iiom persons not now or heretofore employed in the Pension Office and with- VM-22.v·4<B· out compliance with the conditions prescribed by the Act entitled "An Act to regulate and im rove the civil service," approved January sixteenth, eighteen hunclied and eighty-three, for the fiscal year nineteen hundre and six, at two thousand dollars each; three additional members of said Board of Pension Appeals, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior and to be selected from the force of the I-¤¤¤i¤¤1><¢¤¤>¤ Pension Office, at two thousand dollars each; special land inspector, _ connected with the administration of the public—land service, to be > _ appointed by the Secretary of the Interior and to be subject to his ‘*P°‘*"**‘“’P°°*°'*—*· direction, two thousand five hundred dollars; live special inspectors,