674 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. HI. Ch. 297. 1905. four thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; chief electrical engineer, two thousand four hundred dollars; draftsman, one thousand dollars; assistant draftsman, eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; stenographer and typewriter, one thousand two hundred dollars; compensation to disbursing clerk, one thousand dollars; one messenger; person in charge of the heating of the Supreme Court and central portion of the Capitol, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars; laborer in charge of water-closets in central portion of the Capitol, six hundred and sixty dollars; seven laborers forcleaning Rotunda, corridors, Dome, and old library portion of Capitol, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; two laborers in charge of public closets of the House of Representatives and in the terrace, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, twenty-two thousand seven hundred and twenty-four dollars. C°¤“”g°”*°xP°“*°’· CoNT1NcENT EXPENSES, DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR! For the follovging sums, wlhich shall be so apportioned as to prevent deficiencies therein, name y: ' For contingent ex uses of the office of the Secretary of the Interior and the bureaus, olhges, and buildings of the Interior Department, including not to exceed five thousand dollars for the Civil Service Commission: For furniture, carpets, ice, lumber, hardware, dry goods, advertising, telegra hing, expressage, wagons and harness, food and shoeing of horses, diagrams, awnin s, constructing model and other cases and furniture, and other absofiutely necessary expenses, includin fueland lights, ninety-five thousand dollars. S“‘“°“°"· for stationery for the Department of the Interior and its several bureaus and offices, including not to exceed five thousand dollars for the Civil Service Commission, sixty thousand dollars. B°°“· For professional and scientific books, law books, and books to com- _ plete broken sets, periodicals, directories, and other books of reference relating to the business of the‘Department, one thousand dollars, téf whichcsum two hundred and fifty dollars may be used for the Civil ervice ommission. R°“‘· For rent of buildin s for the Department of the Interior, namely: , For the Bureau of Edgioation, four thousand dollars; Geological Survey, twenty-nine thousand two hundred dollars; additional rooms for the engraving and printin divisions of the Geological Survey, one thousand two hundred dollars; storage of documents, one thousand dollars; Civil Service Commission, four thousand five hundred dollars; Patent Office model exhibit, nineteen thousand five hundred dollars; in all, fifty-nine thousand four hundred dollars.
- ""“**¥°”“'“P"~ For postage stamps for the Department of the Interior and its
bureaus, as required under the Postal Union, to prepay postage on giapter addressed to Postal Union countries, three thousand six hundred 0 ars. €;$_m`Y°y°”`g€n°ml‘ SURVEYORS-GENERAI. AND Tm-me vnamas, A"’*"*'· For surveyor-general and ex officio secretary of the district of ftlaska, fgur thlpusfand dollars; clerks in his office, four thousand dollars; in a , eig t thousand dollars. For rent of office for surveyor—general, pay of messenger, stationery, printing, binding, drafting instruments, books of reference for office use, lflurnitige, fulel, gghts, laundry, and other incidental expenses, one thousand five un red dollars. A""’"”‘ For surveyor-general of the Territory of Arizona, two thousand dollars;] and fiérdtlae clerks in his office, five thousand dollars; in all, seven thousand dollars. For rent of office for the surveyorgeneral. stationery, binding records, drafting supplies, books of reference for office use, typewriter and repairs, repairs of furniture, freight and drayage, filing case for plats, and other incidental expenses, one thousand dollars.