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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/787

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700 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 456, 545, 546. 1905. Fel>I;u¤1{y7gbé¤lI06· 4l{J _ For the protection of the public forest reserves and national PSI 0 6 D1 . Public, No. 46. [ 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRq>r·esentatives of the United Fww ¤¤¤¤¤¤ mi States of America in Congress assembled, That all persons employed in miiziigdigiliibming the forest reserve and national park service of the United States shall ““"· °°°· have authority to make arrests for the violation of the laws and regula- F°•*·P·*”· tions relating tg th; fprgst relservegénd natfional parksipnd (any person so arreste s a e ta eu ore the nearest nite `tates commissioner, within whose jurisdiction the reservation or national mm park is located, for trial- and upon sworn information by any competent person any United States commissioner in the proper jurisdiction _ shall issue process for the arrest of any person charged .with the vio- ,,_‘"'°'°w"h°“°°'°°` lation of said laws and regulations; but nothing herein contained shall ‘ be construed as preventing the arrest by any officer of the United Stage]? without process, of any person taken in the act of violating sai ws and regulations. Approved, February 6, 1905. F¤b1’¤¤fY 7,1905- CHAP. 545.-An Act To royide for the extension of rEe within which home-

 stead settlers may establish iheir residence upon certain , d  which were hereto-

[Public, No. 47.] fore a part of the Rosebud Indian Reservation within the limits of Gregory County, SL2i.2"n]i3i‘;‘L“s£§B‘}vE€£3L‘ €$'3i3st2‘tl§l2?’i$`§$l‘h`i5*§§0E““*”° “ "“" °f °h° D°""S _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the United I_,1§‘f,"}¥,'§‘},,{,“‘,l,,{’,?’,‘Q,‘§,€ States of America in Congress assembled, That the homestead settlers verrizw for ambush on the ands which were heretofore a part of the Rosebud Indian Resmmamm mem- ervation within the limits of Gregory County, South Dakota, opened {’,‘;,,,'°0,,“f"“°"°°" “°*‘ under an Act entitled ?‘An Act to ratify and amend an agreement with the Sioux tribe of Indians of the Rosebud Reservation, in South Dakota, and making agipropriation and provision to car the same §,;';·{·f,`§_ into eifect," approved pril twenty-third, nineteen hundredand four, apdlth¢i)homesI-tgald slgglers on the lands whiphgvere h;r§to1ftc;1r1i):kpart ' 0 the evi s e ian Reservation in the tate o o ota, opened under an Act entitled "An Act to modify and amend an agreementwith the Indians of the Devils Lake Reservation, in North Dakota, · to accept and ratify the same as amended, and making appropriation

 and provision to carry the same into eil`ect," approved April twenty-

seventh, nineteen hundred and four, be, and they are hereby, granted

an extension of time in which to establish their residence upon the

Promo land? so cilpensd gud fgleél upon untill tgiehiirst d85i?}? May, Kino Dlomiui ,.8,,,,,- _ eh___ 0, m_ nine een un re an ve: v rv , owezrer, at t is ct s a in ¤¤:¤¤¤¤•i-¤¤<=¤¤1- no manner affect the regularity or validity of such iiliugs, or any of them, so made by the said settlers ou the lands aforesaid; and it is only intended hereby to extend the time for the establishment of such residence as herein provided, and the provisions of said Acts are in no other manner to be affected or modified. Approved, February 7, 1905. F*§*L¤l¤if>;é6{’$5>5· CHAP. 546.-An To authorize The Decatpr Transportation Manufacturing

 ¥3.'Ii.’éZ"..5.; £im¥’§F33a.‘¥t2°.13i§“é?“be‘€213£“‘§2f{§L‘l..§"°”‘° “ ""dg° “°"’” ‘““

. Be it enacted by tbe Senate and lfouse ofRe esmtatvnaes 0 the United u;1£ Qu§$ States of America in Qongress assembled, Tl12d7d` he Decaturfl`ra11sporta· 1,, (,0,,,,,,,, my tion an Manufacturing Company, a corporation organized under the ¤¤§8¤·¤*¤¤<==*¤¤A1•- laws of the State of A abama, its successors and assigns, are hereby