FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. CHS. 578, 579. 1905. 717 CHAP. 578.—An Atct To permit the legislative assembl of the Territory of Okla- F¤b¤1¤¤’ 16· 190-*- homa to make appropriations for the erection of buildings lor the Agricultural and [H· K "”2·] Mechanical College of said Territory. Be at enacted oy the Senate and House ofRqpresentat1}ves of the United States of Angerzca m Omzgress assembled, That the legislative assembl f{kl'*!*°¤{¤· I of the 'l`err1tory of Oklahoma is hereby permitted to make such Mwgiggltgalggg appropriations as seem to 1t proper for the erection of buildings for i°$]glii{Zyf;e£"uw°` t e Agricultural and Mechanical College at Stillwater. Sec. 2. That all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict with the provisions R°¥’°“l· of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved, February 16, 1905. CHAP. 579.-An Act To authorize the Leckrone and Little Whitelev Railroad 1"°l”'¤*“'Y16·19°5- ‘ Company to oonstruct and maintain a bridge across the Mouongahela River. — Public, N0.73. Be it enacted by the Senaée a1zcZHouse 0 f Representatives 0 f the Ended [ 1 Statés of America in Cbngress assembled, That the Leckroue and Lit- H§,'L‘}',§$,‘§1Q${$1*}fi‘}€{é tle Whiteley Railroad Company, a corporation existing under the laws Q,‘Q;§*°l°>’ R¤i¥!$,¤¤¤ of the State of Pennsylvania, is hereby authorized to construct, main- panymuyb m` tain, and operate a railroad bridge, with single or double track, for railroad traiiic across the Mouongahela River, on the boundary line L°°°“°¤· between Fayette and Greene counties, State of Pennsylvania, the easterly end of said bridge to be located at some point in German Township, Fayette Couugand the westerlp end at some point in Cumberland Township, Greene un?. The said bridge, when built in accordance with the requirements 0 this Act, shall be a legal structure, and may be used for railroad and highway purposes. Sm. 2. That the bridge authorized to be constructed under this Act amxg QQ} °° shall be located and built under and subgect tb such regulations for the ° ` security of navigation of said river as the Secretary 0 War shall prescribe, and to secure that object the railroad company shall submit. to the Secretary of War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawing of the brid e and a map of the location, giving for the space of one mile above am? below the proposed location the depth and currents at all points of the same and the location of any other bridge or bridges, together with all other information touching;` said bridge und river us may be deemed requisite b r the Secretary of 'ar to determine whether said bridge when built will conform to the provisions of this Act, and cause any serious obstruction to the navigation of the river or injuriously affect the ilow of water. _ _ _ Sm. 3. That the Secretary of WVM is hereby authorized and directed, M¤¤¤¤**¤¤· upon receiving said plan and map and upon being satistied that a bridge ' built on such a lan and at said 0culity· will conform to the provisions of this Act andp cause no serious obstruction to the navigation of the river or injuriouslyaifect the ilow of water, to notify the seid company that he approves the same, and upon receiving such notification the said company may proceed to the erection of said bridge, conforming Changes strictly to the approved plan and location. But until t_ e becretarypf ‘ l\'ar shall approve the p an and location of the said bridge and noufy the said company of the same in writing, the bridge shal not be built or commenced, and should any change be made ID the plan of the bridge during the progress of the wor · thereon, such change shall be subject likewise to the a_%proval of the Secretary of lVar. _ R H Md mW_ Sec. 4. That said brn ge shall be constructed to provide for the m_f‘,mf,;gC_ · ·= · · passage of railroad trams, and, at the option of the corporauon by which it mav be built, may be used for the passage of wagons, passenger cars,. electric motors, and vehicles of a 1 kinds., for the transit
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/804