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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/806

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F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Cris. 581, 582, 584, 585. 1905. 719 u .5B1.—An Act For the construction of a private conduit acrom D street F¤b j1905. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Resentawves af the United [Publicy N0. 75] States 0_f_America in Omzgress assembled, Tm the Commissioners. of D@I§,j’*,ff)‘j}§j*’£'g¤— the District of Columbia be, and the are hereby, authorized to grant merleycchdmtucmgé permission to S. Kanu, Sons and Chmpany to lay a conduit for the D°"°°l’ transmission of electric power and a pipe for the transmission of steam power from their store uilding in square four hundred and thirty-two to their store building in square four hundred and thirty-one across D street, between Seventh and Eighth streets northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, under the regulations and subject to the limitations prescribed in the Act entitled "An Act regulating rmits for Vol- 81. v. 211: private conduits in the District of Colun1bia," approved Mlsy twenty- sixth, nineteen hundred. . ·. ASec. 2. Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal this ·*¤°¤**m°¤*· ct. r Approved, February 17, 1905. CHAP. 582.-—An Act Making Texas City, Texas, a subport of entry in the cus- February 17,1905. toms collection district of Galveston. [H·R·16799·] Be a mma by the sean me new Ofzzmamama we mae "“""°’ “°‘ ’°·’ States of America in Oongreea assembled, That Texas City, in the State Customs._ of Texas be, and is hereby, madea subport of entry in the customs col- ,,,2`§,"‘},$,,,,,(f,',€{';,, gjfg lection district of Galveston, and that the of section one of ;{git¤;·:¤¤A•v¤§m» the Act zpproved June tenth, eighteen hun red and eighty, governing B.B.,seci)2Ul8 the imm rate transportation of dutiable goods without ap raisement V°‘·“· l’· mi be, and the same are hereby, extended to such subport, and a deputy collector of customs shall be appointed, who shall reside at said subport. Approved, February 17, 1905. cB.A.P. 584.-—An Act To provide for sittings of the circuit and district courts of February l8.1¤l5. the southern district of Florida in the city of Femandina, in said district. is- **9**] Public, No. 77. Be it enacted by t/ae Senate and Hmigf Representatives of tbe United [ 1 States ofzlmeriea in Oongreasassemb , That in addition to the times vssnecszszesccura. cud places now fixed by law for the sittingFgl>f the circuit court of the dbi2Q?" "°“"‘°"" United States for the southern district of orida there shall be a ses- '{,¤g¤=·!g;g¤· m sion of the said circuit court in the city of Fernandina on the first"’p' ‘ Monday in April in eachliajyear hereafter. Sec. 2. That there s l be a regular term of the district court of (,1;;****** ¤¢ F¤¤¤•¤— the United States for the southern district of Florida in the cit of a.s.,¤ec.m,p.so. Fcrnandina on the iirst Monday in April in each year hereafter: Dm- 2-ided, That suitable rooms and accommodations shall be furnished for the holding of said courts at the said place, free of expense to the Government of the United States. Approved, February 18, 1905. . 8 .-— A Authorizin the President to nominate anda int William Februa 18,1905. L.clg3e$soh ssecdiird ligixtenant in tie United States Army. PPO Pubs c, No. 78. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqn·eaentatiees oft/me United [_ _ I States ofAme¢·n:a in Congress assembled, That the President of the m;Y¤1¤¤¤> L- Pwn- United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to nominate, and, by Appcanemeuaimcand with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint William L. Yi'}2.}'$.‘$§$,'2,‘}§LE,L;'} "‘° Patterson a second lieutenant in the United States Army. Approved, February 18, 1905.