FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. 747 Drsrrzror or conumsra. nrsumorcormnma To Philip M. Buckey, administrator of Philip J. Buckey, deceased, two thousand two hundred and forty-six dollars. To Marv E. O. Dashiell, eight hundred and ten dollars. ’ To William A. Gordon, administrator of William D. C. Murdock, . deceased, forty-seven thousand four hundred and twenty-four dollars and fifty cents. To_An¤e C. Livingston, one thousand six hundred and ninety-one To Mary S. Cheney, widow of William Cheney, deceased, six hundred and eight dollars and seventy-seven cents. ` To Julia W. Dickenson, widow of Hallowell Dickenson, deceased, six hundred and eleven dollars and seventy-six cents. To Florence A. R. Judd, executrix of the estate of Somerset Robinson, deceased, two hundred and sixt -two dollars and thirty-six cents. To Antoinette Stewart, widow ofy Thomas Stewart, deceased, four hundred and fifty-six dollars and seventy cents. To Vincendon L. Cottman, one hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-seven cents. To Walter C. Cowles, forty-eight dollars and twenty-two cents. To William H. Driggs, three hundred and forty dollars and eighty- two cents. To Arthur H. Fletcher, two hundred and forty-nine dollars and eiglhty-six cents. o George F ouse, five hundred and eight dollars and sixty-five cents. To Samuel Gee, nine hundred and seventy-six dollars and ninety- ei t cent!. We Edwin S. Houston, one hundred and fifty-tive dollars and thirty- three cents. - To Eugene H. C. Leutze, forty-one dollars and twenty-two cents. ` To Charles M. McCarteney, seventy-seven dollars and eighty cents. To Frederick A. Miller, four hundred and forty-three ollars and sixty-three cents. - To Francis S. Nash, two hundred and five dollars and forty-eight cents. To Robert B. Rodney., one hundred and thirty-tive dollars and eighty- eight cents. To George W. Sensner, three hundred and twelve dollars and thirty- three cents. To John S. Sinclair, fifty-eight dollars and fifty cents. . To Edmund B. Underwood, ninetiy-nine dollars and forty-five cents. To Thomas P. Venable, fifty-six ollars and fifty cents. To Mary F. Choate, widow of Isaac T. Choate, deceased, ninety-one dollars and twenty cents. To Eliza B. Dorrance, widow of George W. Dorrance. deceased, nine hundred and ninety-seven dollars and forty-six cents. To Susanna E. Dunn, administratrix of the estate of George Dunn, deceased, two hundred and seventy-eight dollars and ninety cents. To Richard Wallach, son of Cuthbert P. Wallach, deceased, four hundred and twenty-seven dollars and eleven cents. T 0 A. E. K. Benham, three hundred and fifty-two dollars and seventy- two cents. To William T. Hord, seventy-eight dollars and thirty-six cents. To Aaron K. Hu hes, one thousand three hundred and thirty-four dollars and ninety-tghree cents. To Francis M. Grinnell, thirty-three dollars and eighty-four cents. To Philip J. Miller, son of Philip J. Miller, deceased, forty-two dollars and ten cents.
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