768 F IFTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. To Georgie Branham, of Hamilton County, three hundred and twenty-six dollars. T Hen Craft administrator of William D. Ferguson deceased of Shelb Cdiinty, two thousand and fourteen dollars. , i To Hermann Graef, of Perry County, one hundred and twenty-five d lla . oTomGertrude Leftgwich, (yvidow elf J shui Legtwich, déaceaseiil, of Wa e C0 nt t ree thousand seven un re an ninet — ve dollars. Ti7>uDorca1s Elizabeth (otherwise Bettie) and Samuel MhCamm0n, of Knox County,`one thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. To ames W. Vaughan, administrator of Turner l/'aughan, deceased, of Wilson bounty, one thousand six hundred and sixty-tive dollars. C0TotR. A. sodghhlegr of Eliza Wood, deceased, of Sullivan un , one u . To Idaffian D?Vhitlow, of Madison County, two thousand two hunan ten dollars. · d To Joseph C. Cooper, of Gibson County, one hundred and jifty o ars. . To Lettie Cannon, administratrix of Henry Cannon, deceased, of Shelby County, one hundred and nineteen dollars. To Thomas H. Webb, executor of Emily M. Ewell, deceased, of Fa ette County, one thousand five hundred and thirty-eight dollars. To J. P. Hunter and William B. Hodges, administrators of Jacob E. Hodges, deceased, of Hamblen County, seven hundred and fifty dollars. ff}; Mary A.(Priddy, aldminlistrgtrix ofdlames M. Piiiddy, deceased, o en erson ounty, t ree un re an ort —six do lars. To James W. Clift, administrator of William Clift deceased of Hamilton County, nine thousand five hundred and fortyifour dollars. To Asa Atkins, administrator of James M. Atkins, deceased, of Dyer County, three lrundrpd aind eighty dollars. 1 To A. J. 'il ifor , a ministrator of Lavina Wil iams deceased of ShelbyICount_!y, three hundred and sixty dollars. , ’ drgp Engr . Hilliard, of Fayette County, one thousand one hunan teen‘ ol rs. To Aaron Bullock, of Campbell County, fifty-five dollars. To A. J. Jenkins, administrator of James Russell, deceased, of Marion Countv, four hundred and twenty-seven dollars. To Williani H. Landrum, of Gibson County, two hundred and fifty- seven dollars. To Stleplren Easloln, of De;3turCounty, one hiindred and fifteen dollars. o (J ar es . olmes, ministrator of Ne son Cowan. deceased of ~ Rutherford County, three hundred and sixty-three dollars. i To S. E. Stephenson., administrator of Henry A. Dacus, deceased, of Tipton County, two hundred and twenty dollars. d so Eveline Hixon. of Hamilton County, six hundred and fifty-six o ars. To J. J. Bryson, administrator of Joseph H. Bryson, deceased, of Capndn Clpunty, twolhunldred and fifteen dollars. o `. . Lipscom , a ministrator of Mary A. Branch, deceased f Fayette County, five hundred and forty-tive dollars. , 0 o C. M. McKee, administrator de bonis non of Robert C. McRee, deceased, of Hamilton County, eight hundred and ten dollars. To D. P. Haste, administrator of William Varnor, deceased, of Gibson County. one hundred and twenty-five dollars. To Sterling Beeson, Granville Beeson. Frank Dugger, Penelope Foster, and George R. Duguer, guardian of Georgie Ki Dugger, heirs of and representing one-fiftli interest in the estate of one William H. Stringer, deceased. of Hamilton County, one thousand nine hundred and eight dollars and eighty cents, being the share of the abovementioned claimants, in the following proportions: Sterling Beeson, six
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