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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/858

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. 771 To John W. Reeser, of Shenandoah County, two hundred and sixty—‘ · · five dollars. To the trustees of Trinity Episcopal Church, of Portsmouth, one thousand dollars. To Spencer Vaughan, administrator of Asa Tucker, deceased, of . Dmwid ie County, two thousand five hundred and fifteen dollars. To Mary C. Munt, administratrix of John H. Mu nt.,deceased, of Prince George County, one thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars. To Robert R. Veitch, administrator of Septimus Brown, deceased, of Alexandria County, one thousand five hundred and sixty-tive dollars. To R. Gray Williams, administrator of Israel Cobourn, deceased, of Frederick Counlty, seven hundred and seventy-two dollars. To Kilbourn . Rowsey, of Rockbridge County, two hundred and ten dollars. ‘ To Silas T. Rosser, administrator of George N. Rosser, deceased, of Shenandoah County, three hundred and eighty dollars. To N. W. Baker, administrator of Elizabeth Nicholas, deceased, of Shenandoah County, two hundred and forty-nine dollars. To John R. Fauver, sole heir and le atee of Richard Anderson, deceased, of Avugusta County, three hunmged and eighty dollars. To George . Ball, administrator of Mary Ann Ball, deceased, of Lee County, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. To John W. Barclay, administrator of Solomon Barclay, deceased, of Norfolk County, two thousand seven hundred and sixydollars. To Isaac Davenport, junior, surviving partner of mond and Davenport, of Henrico Coun?, four thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven dollars and sixty- our cents. To George D. Harwood, of Henrico County, one thousand three hundred do lars. To Thomas W. McCance, surviving partner of Dunlap, Moncure and Com ny, of Henrico County, ree thousand six hundred and seventy-fiirae ollars. To D. T. Madigan, surviving partner of Fabian and Madigan, of Henrico County, six hundred an twenty-five dollars. To Dr. Creed Thomas, of Henrico County, one thousand one hundred and twenty-seven dollars and fift cents. To W. H. Palmer, executor of Williarn Palmer, deceased, of Henrico County, one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. To John E. Robinson, of Henrico County, one thousand six hundred and twent dollars. To John Endiars, executor of William Greanor, deceased, of Henrico County four thousand two hundred dollars. To Mary M'. Bailey, executrix of Samuel M. Bailey, deceased, of Henrico (count , three hundred and seventy-five dollars. To Garrett Watson, surviving partner of Ludlam and Watson, of Henrico County, four thousand nine hundred and seventy-two dollars. ` To the estate of R. O. Haskins, deceased, of Henrico County, tive hundred and forty dollars. To Ann E. Grant, administratrix of James H. Grant, deceased, of Henrico County, one thousand eight hundred dollars. To Samuel P. Lathrop, agent for Engine Carrington, administrator of Geer e M. Carrington, eceased, of enrico County, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. To John Enders, of Henrico County, one thousand one hundred and forty dollars. ‘ _ To W. Ben Palmer executor of George S. Palmer, of Henrico County, three hundred and fifty-one dollars. To John Bowers, surviving partner of Charles D. Yale and Company, of Henrico County, four undred dollars.