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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/862

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}:`IFTY·ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 777. 1905. 775 To Lee Crouch, administrator of Abram Crouch, deceased, of Randollph County, four thousand one hundred and four dollars. o James H. Lemon, administrator of Newton Shumate, deceased, of Raleigh County, four hundred and eight —one dollars. To Ro rt M. . Brown, of Monongalia County, seven hundred and eleven dollars and sixty-nine cents. To Wilham D. Staley, Ellen R. Whitson, and Robert D. Stale , sole heirs of Stephen `taley, deceased, `of Jefferson County, eight hundred and fifteen dollars. . . 4 To the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, three thousand dollars. To the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Guy- andotte, Cabell County, two thousand dollars. To the trustees of the Baptist Church, of Guyandotte, Cabell County, two thousand dollars. To the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Mill Creek, Randolph County, eight hundred dollars. To the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Winfield, Putnam County, one thousand two hundred dollars. To the trustees of the Baptist Church, of Charlestown, Jefferson County, one thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars. To the trustees of Baxter Institute, of Buckhannon, Upshur County, one thousand four hundred and thirty-one dollars. To the trustees of Tuscarora Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Martinsburg, Berkeley County, one thousand one hundred and forty-tive dollars. _ J ` wxscousm. * wmmm To James K. Cogswell, two hundred and fourteen dollars and eighty cents. To Albert Mertz, fifty-eight dollars and eight cents. To Webster Doty, eighty-nine dollars and eightv-six cents. To Florence Hayward, daughter of George Hayward, deceased, three hundred and seventeen dollars and eighty-two cents. MISCELLANEOUS cmrms AND comrr or cnams rmmuos. clgfuilscellaneous To the trustees of the Memphis Conference Female Institute, Jack- °n§$‘¤g{]};ja,°*`·;Q`L{{j son., Tennessee, twelve thousand dollars, as compensation for occu- zrnerenn. _ pancy and damages to said institute bv the Armly of the United States durin the war for the suppression of the rebel ion. To Jilizabeth A. Ballew, of Kerrville, Texas, one hundred dollars, F¤¤¤¤*M·¤·“¢*· being for beef cattle furnished United States troops in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Hb Eliza E. Hebert, of lberville Parish, Louisiana, twenty-one mm n. mum. thousand and ninety dollars, for stores and supplies furnished the Army of the United States during the civil war. To N. N. Lowry, of Carroll County, Georgia. the sum of one hun- N-N-¥·°W¤· tired and twentyfive dollars, being for the value of a mule sold to United States military authorities during the war for the suppression of the rebellion. To the members of the band of the Second Regiment Wisconsin wm Volunteer Infantry, for the hire, use, and unavoidable damage to cer- runny. tain band instruments, their private property, while in the service of P“’“°“*“` "““°‘ the United States during the recent war with Spain., and to pay to each of said men, or to their heirs, administrators, and assigns of such of them as shall have in the meantime deceased, the sums which appear op osite their names, as follows. to wit: Henry Johnson, thirty-seven dollars and sixteen cents; Charles E. Collar. twenty-one dollars and ninety-one cents: Frank Novotny, seventeen dollars and thirty-three