792 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Suss. III. Ch. 777. 1905. Thomas Cushing, administrator of Marston Watson, one thousand and seventy-nine dollars and fifty cents. _ John W. Apthrop, administrator of Caleb Hopkins, one thousand and seventy-nine dollars and fifty cents. _ Charles A. Welch, administrator of William Stackpole, five hundred and thirty-nine dollars and seventy-five cents. s A. Lawrence Lowell, administrator of Nathaniel Fellowes, one thousand and seventy-nine dollars and fiftyicents. John Lowell, junior, administrator of uthill Hubbart, one thousand and seventv-nine dollars and fifty cents_ Augustus P. Loring, administrator of William Bordman, five hundred and thirt —nine dollars and seventyffive cents. William G. Perry, administrator of icholas Gilman, one thousand and seventy-nine dollars and fifty cents. Bri: "A1¤>11¤-" -On the vessel bri APOLLO, John Ring, master, namely: William T. Momdl, administrator of Wi liam Sawyer, five thousand two hundred and seventeen dollars and nine cents. A. M. Spear, administrator of John O. Page, one thousand seven hundred and nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents. . d Thomas N. Perkins, administrator of John C. Jones, six hundred ol ars. 8¢¤<¤>¤¤r "A¢¤*¢-" · On the vessel schooner ACTIVE, Samuel Pote, master, namely: Edward S. Merrill, administrator of Joshua Merrill, deceased, four thousand five hundred and thirty-three dollars. ¤¢=¤<>¤¤¢¤"‘N¤¤¤Y-" On the vessel schooner NANCY, William Ward, master, namely: William S..Carter, administrator of William Smith, two thousand tive hundred and twenty-three dollars and fifty cents. William G. Perry, administrator of Nicholas Gilman, five hundred and ninety-eight dollars and twenty-four cents. George G. King, administrator of James Scott, two hundred and thirty-nine dollars and thirty cents. Frank Dabney, administrator of Samuel WV. Pomeroy, nine hundred and six dollars and eighty—five cents. Archibald M. Howe, administrator of Francis Greene, three hundred and ninety-eight dollars and eighty-three cents. Lucy S. Cushing, administrator oi Jacob Sheafe, two hundred and fifteen dollars and thirty-seven cents. Charles F. Adams, administrator of Peter C. Brooks, six thousand three hundred and seventeen dollars and fift -tive cents. A. Lawrence Lowell, administrator of Nathaniel Fellowes, one thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars and forty-seven cents. Francis M. Boutwell, administrator of Benjamin Clark. eight hundred and eight dollars and sixty-one cents. Thomas I5 Perkins, administrator of John C. Jones, three hundred and seventy dollars and thirty-four cents. Frederick O. Prince, administrator of James Prince, three hundred and eight dollars and sixty-one cents. Wil iam P. Dexter, administrator of Samuel Dexter, three hundred and eight dollars and sixty~one cents. H. . Hunnewell, administrator of John Welles, six hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty-three cents. Robert Codman, administrator of William Gray, six hundred and seventeen dollars and twentv-three cents. “°*°°¤°’ "Y·“°Y·" On the vessel schooner LUCY, Matthias Rider, master, namely: Charles Francis Adams, a.dministrator'of Peter C. Brooks, five hundred and sixteen dollars. A. Lawrence Lowell., administrator of Nathaniel Fellowes, one hundred aud thirty-two dollars. Seth P. Snow, administrator of Crowell Hatch, one hundred and thirty-two dollars.
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