FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 111. Ch. 777. 1905. _ 803 To Sarah E. Jenkins, of Maryland, daughter of the late Rear- k.“‘°'“*°“ A- ·l¤¤· Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins, United States Navy, the sum of four llqhoyment wa;;.. thousand eight hundred and ninet -six dollars, being the diference °" ' between the retired pay of a rear-advmiral and the highest pay of that . grade, from March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sevent -four, to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, in full com- _ pensation for the services of the late Rear—Admiral Thornton A. enkins, United States Navy, as commissioner and representative of the Navy Department at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, eiglhteen hun red and seventy-six. o Richard King, the sum of five thousand dollars, being com n- 1¤·=l=¤·iKi¤s- sation in full for expenses incurred and permanent injury sustainedeby reason of his being shot by a soldier of the United States Army while said soldier was on duty. To Jean Louis Legare, of the Dominion of Canada, the sum of five ·‘°¤¤I-·>¤*¤¤»z¤¢· thousand dollars, for services and money expended in bringing into the United States and procuring the surrender of Sitting Bull and his followers, under the direction of the Vlfar Department. To the heirs and legal representatives of those who were killed while GQ3Q5g5f R5*;*°*°¤· in the employ of the lnited States in the discharge of their duties on Payment 'w` nm., the third day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, at the United gig St °"“’l°"°' States torpedo station on Goat Island, in the harbor of Newport, Rhode Island, by the Iegplosion of the gun-cotton factory, the sum of ten thousand five hund dollars, of w ich sum there shall be paid to the legal or personal representatives of each of the following persons the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars: Frank Loughlin, Jeremiah " Harrington, andMichael O’Reagan: Provided, Thatwhere the deceased {,”*_?;j_‘fg;,, to www left a widow and children, the widow shall receive one·half and the md children. children shall share alike. To Smith R. Mershon, the sum of one hundred and ninety-two mlm K N°¤¤°¤· dollars and fifty cents, for services rendered as custodian of a distillery warehouse in Lincoln County, Kentucky, seized by a United States revenue officer and held for seventy-seven days by said Smith R. Mershon under the orders of the said United States revenue officer. To Edward H. Murrell, the sum of five thousand dollars, said sum Edward H.Mum11. to be received by the said E. H. Murrell in full satisfaction of all claims against the United States for the occupancy of his property in the cit of New Orleans, Louisiana, or for collection of rents for the same, during the militarv occupancy of the city of New Orleans by the Federal forces during the war of eighteen hundred and sixty-one to eighteen hundred and sixty-five, up to October twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixt -tive. To Nye and Schneider Company, of Fremont, Nebraska, the sum of Cjijgnggid S°¤¤°*"°' sixtv—one dollars and thirteen cents, bein an un id balance on bill ` rendered for fuel furnished the United States Ghvernment by that company during the years eighteen hundred and ninety-three and eighteen hundred and ninety,-four for the purpose of heating the postoffice building at Hastings, Nebraska, which said amount has remained unpaid by reason of the appropriation for such purpose having been ex auste . . To Alvin M. Ryerson, of Auburn. Maine, the sum of three hundred Mm M'R"”°“‘ dollars, being the amount paid by him in August, eighteen hundred and `sixty-four, as commutation on account o draft in Skowhegan, forty-eighth subdistrict, Third district of Maine. To the legal representatives of James YV. Schaumburg, deceased, the b£,’f*°* W- S¤¤¤¤¤*· sum of ten thousand eight hundred and sixty-tive dollars and thirty- raymem is legal one cents, or as much thereof as may be necessary, in settlement of '°’”°"““""“ °f‘ the amount of the pay and allowance of a first lieutenant of dragoons, from July first, eighteen hundred thirty-six, to March twenty- fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-tive, as heretofore found to be due
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