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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/893

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806 FIFTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. proper form by Gila County in Arizona Territory, and to ascertain the amount due said county on account of legal costs and expenses incurred from March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, in the prosecution of Indians under the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty- Vo1.Z$.D·885· five (Twenty-third Statutes at Large, page three hundred and eiglhty- tive), for which the United States IS liable under Act of March t 1rd, Vol.5,p.1004. eighteen hundred and eightymine (Twenty-lifth Statutes at Large, pa e one thousand and four), and which have been paid by said county; ‘ and the amount so found·shall be certified by the Secretary of the

  • ’°•¢· P- W"- Treasury to Congress for a deficiency appropriation.

For i¤r¤¤¤¤•¤¤¤ Fon INVESTIGATION AND SE'1'I’LEMEl\’T. and settlement. John comm. That the Secretary of War be and he is hereby, authorized and A,l§,,’§,‘l;f’§?,g;,j,§’_’l°'°°’ directed to examine the claim of Jlohn Conner, senior, for payment of a sum allelged to be due for twenty and one-tenth acres of cleared land, seven an seventy-one 0ne·hun redths acres of timbered land, five hundred bushels of corn, and twenty bales of cotton, said land and other roperty alleged to have been taken and sgtiropriated by the United] States in constructing a levee at Ashport, uderdale County Tennessee, in eighteen hundred and eighty-six and eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, under the supervision of the Mississippi River Commission, and allow him whatever the said land and other property are reasonably worth, not exceeding the sum of one thousand two hundred and seventy-nine dollars and sixt cents, the amount so allowed to be in full payment for said land andy other property alleged to have been lfjrhjrsyvs, sm I taken and appropriated: Provided, That none of the said amount shall °m °° P °' be paid to the claimant until after he shall have executed and delivered to the proper officer of the Government all papers necessary to give to the Tmted States a title in fee sim le to all of the aforementioned land, but nothing in this proviso shall)be held to compel claimant to pay any taxes which may have accrued against this land during its Payment m mn. occupancy by the Government: And prm·2'ded, j}n·thr~:·, That the acceptance by the claimant of the amount so allowed shall be considered as full satisfaction of his claim. And whatever sum shall be found due on such examination shall be paid to the said John Conner, senior, and is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Iggrhnnivl H. Mc- That the (proper accounting officers be, and they are hereby directed p,.,;-mm m widow to settle an adjust to Sarah '. McLean, widow of the late Lieutenant- °'· Colonel Nathaniel H. McLean, all backvpay and emoluments that would have been due and payable to the said l\athaniel H. McLean as a major from July twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixtv-four, to the date of his reinstatement, March third. eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and that the amount found due by said adjustment is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the 'l`reasury`not otherwise appropriated. ggclgrggftplvr. _ hat the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to amlm-og, “nL° pay to Walter H. Taylor, administrator of Richard Taylor, deceased, of Norfolk, Virginia, the sum of eleven thousand nine hundred and forty-six dollars and eighty-one cents, remaining unpaid, of the amount appropriated to be pai to John A. Brimmer, junior, administrator of 0 n Grlhat, deceased, of the firm of Gilliat and Taylor, in the Act Wl_,,,,, v_ M entitled "An Act making appropriations to su ply deiiciencies in the appropriation for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and for prior years, and for other purposes:" the same not being an assigned claim within the limitations of this Act, but an asset conveyed by deed in the dissolution of the partnership of Gilliat and Taylor, said deed of conveyance of this claim from John