808 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 777. 1905. dollars and fifty cents; H. and W. Roeber, nine hundred and fifty- eight dollars and ninety-one cents; William Roeber, two thousand eight hundred and four dollars; J. H. Schenck and Son, one thousand two hundred and eighty-four dollars; Schmitt and Schm1ttd1e, two thousand two hundred`and eighty-two dollars and nine cents; J. E. Schwartz and Company, ninety dollars; Schwartz and Haslett, one hundred and fifty dollars; A. L. Scoville and Company, seven hundred and eighty-four dollars; H. Stanton, three thousand one hundred and sixty-tiliree dollars and twenty—’rive cents; Swift and Courtney, four thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; Herman Tappan, five dollars; E. R. Tyler, forty-five dollars; A. Vogeler and Company, two hundred and sixty-five dollars and fifty cents; James H. Weedon, eight hundred and ninety-five dollars; World’s Dispensary Medical Assoc1a- tion, thirty dollars and forty cents. R¤f¢~¤<=¤ ¤> ¤<>¤¤ ron nnrnimxcn T0 Tum comzr or orams. 0fC'lnims. E“*"‘°"" , That the claim of the le lre resentatives of Eli A deceased, ¤¤¤L<lliisU(gi¤:3g2¥;· for the value and proceedsbf cerltain parcels and sections of land situated in the State of Mississippi, and to which the said Eli Ayres claims to have held the legal or eqmtable title at the time of his death, which title as claimed was acquired and derived by him by purchase and deeds from certain Chickasaw Indians in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, the said Chickasaw Indians as grantors in said deeds having derived and acquired their respective title or titles to the said parcels ‘ or sections of land by grant and treaty stipulations in accordance with the provisions contained in the treaty concluded between the United v°l‘7""°5°‘ States and the Chickasaw Nation of Indians on May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, amendatory of the treaty of October twentieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and which said parcels or sections ofg land and the proceeds thereof, in whole or in part, it is alleged, have been, without right or title thereto, and without authority, either in law or in equity, appropriated by the United States Government and held or disposed of by said Government as its own property, or otherwise, be, and the same is hereby, referred to the Court of Claims of the United States, and jurisdiction is hereby conferred on said Court of Claims to proceed, according to the principles and rules of both law and equity, to find the facts as to the purchase of said parcels or sections of land from said Chickasaw Indians by said Ayres and as to the deeds received by him from the said Indians, and the amounts paid by said Ayres to said Indians per acre for said parcels or sections of land, and as to the title of said Ayres to the same; and also to find the facts as to the alle ed appropriation by the United States Government of the said parcegs or sections of land alleged to have been so purchased by said Ayres from the said Indians, and what disposition, if any, has been made of the same by the United States, whether the same has been disposed of by the Lnited States under the public land laws, and all the material facts in connection therewith, embracing the amount that should be paid to the legal representatives of said Eli Ayres, deceased, by reason of the loss occasioned to him, if any, by the appropriation by the Government of the , . said parcels or sections of land purchased from said Indians as herein claimed; and what amount of the proceeds of the sales of said land, if any, is held by the Government in trust for the said Chickasaw Indians; and also whether any of the said rcels or sections of land are still held and not disposed of by the Lliiited States; and the court is authorized to lind any other fact or facts of importance to the parties which ` may arise in this claim; and when the court has found the facts under the provisions of this Act, it is hereby authorized and directed to Report. report the same to Congress: and in considering the merits of the claim in the finding of the facts, affidavits of persons now dead. reports
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