FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Gus. 1163, 1164, 1293. 1905. 819 which the association is located for at least one year immediately pre- ‘ ceding their election and must be residents therein during their continuance in office. Every director must own in his own right at least ummm shares or ten shares of the capital stock of the association of wh1ch he is a §E°,'§:m'f’,_°° md by _ director, unless the capital of the bank shall not exceed twenty-tive ijnks 0* *******1 °¤¥* thousand dollars, in which case he must own in his own right at ` least five shares of such capital stock. Any director who ceases to be the owner of the required number of shares of the stock, or who bpcom,es‘ in any other manner disqualified, shall thereby vacate his p ace. Approved, February 28, 1905. _ CHAP. 1164.—An»Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to accept the F¤b¤’¤¤¤‘Y 28- 1906- conveyance from the State of Nebraska of certain described lands and granting to 9;l- said State other lands in lieu thereof, and for other purposes. [Public,No.118.] Be it enacted by the Semzte and House of Re resen tatéves of the United States of America in Conpress assembled, That the Secretary of the g§:,{Qg}°,;mdsm in Interior be, and he is here y, authorized to accept from the State of lieuoilandsconveyed Nebraska a conve ance of all of said State’s right, title, and interest °° Unmd S""“‘ in and to the northeast quarter of section thirty-six, in township four north, of rarlpe twenty-nine west of the sixth principal meridian, in — the State of ebraska. . ‘ _ Sm. 2. That upon filing with the Secretary of the Interior a good “§;,°{‘,‘;{},_°* “'“°‘ and sufficient deed of conveyance of said trac? which deed shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the ntcrior, the State of Nebraska shall entitled to select other surveyed unappropriated and unreserved lands of equal acreage within said State m lieu thereof, and the lands so selected shall be approved and certified to said State in the same manner as other indemnity school land selections. Sec. 3. That when the title to said tract shall become vested in the L,{,’§,§‘§;{**°R““°"F· United States, the Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be reinstated the final homestead entry, numbered three hundred and ninety-nine, ' of Russell F. Loomis therefor, and thereafter to direct the issuance of patent to the said Russell F. Loomis for said described lands. Approved, February 28, 1905. CHAP. 1298.-An Act To establish a lifesaving station at Nome, Alaska. M¤§h2éé£?¥$- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R?n·ecentati•vec of the United lP¤¤1i¤· No- ml State: of Ammm in Congress aaaembled, hat the Secretary of the Nom, Alun_ Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to establish a lifesaving xgmgst ¤¤•¤<>¤ station at Nome, Alaska, at such point as the General Superintendent ° of the Life—Saving Service may recommend, the lifesaving boats and apparatus placed there under the authority of the Act ma ing appro- """·“'· P- “‘- nations for the sundry civil expenses of the Government for the Escal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, to form a part of the equipment of said station. _ Sec. 2. That the Thirteenth life-saving district is hereby extended ,;‘,`},‘,,$f"“ ‘“°”“°‘ to include the coast of Alaska. Approved, March 1, 1905.
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