830 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. Ch. 1307. 1905. Two clerks at nine hundred dollars each dper annum. One clerk at seven hundred and twenty ollars per annum. ‘ Two messengers at eight hundred and forty dollars each per annum. Sixty-nine messengers at seven hundred and·twenty dollars each per annum. Two messengers at six`hundred dollars each per annum. ' One laborer at six hundred and sixty dollars per annum. One laborer at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum. d In all, three hundred and five thousand two hundred and twenty ollars. Assignment. And said clerks and messen ers and laborers shall be employed and assigned by the Secretary of Gar to the offices and positions in which harm, they are to serve: Provided, That no clerk, messenger, or laborer at Ex°°°°°"` headquarters of divisions, departments, or office of the chief of staff, _ ‘ shall be assigned to duty with any bureau in the War Department. seams. Fos PAY or ormcmas or um STAFF cours mvrsrons, AND DEPART- umN·rs. ny ¤r‘· Adjutant AD.mTAm-GENEuAL’s Dnrmnnzmz For pay of the Adjutant- °°"°"l‘ General of the Army, seven thousand five hun red dollars. Nilib-ry Sammy': MIIJTARY SrxmETA1zY’s DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers in the Mili- D°’°"°"°°°‘ ta Secretary’s Department, ninety-one thousand five hundred dollars. Museviw. Igor additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, twenty-seven thousand dollars. In all, one hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred dollars. Prana. Cm f Promfded, That any vacanc that shall occur in the office of the A.ssistcxhsiiiiiiuieasiehndrc- ant Chief of the Record and, Pension Office previous to· July iirst, “°°· · nineteen hundred and five, shall be filled by the appointment of a captain of the line of the Army, and vacancies thereafter occurring shall Times. not be filled, and the offices now designated by the title of Assistant Chief of the Record and Pension Office and by the title of Asssistant Sgdjutant-General, shall hereafter be designated by the title of Military cretary. inspector-se¤e¤rs INSPECTOR-GENERAL,S DEPARTMENT: For pay of officers in the °°”"'"°"°‘ Inipector-General’s Department, fifty thousan five hundred dollars. Longevity- or additional pay to such omcers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, sixteen thousand dollars. _ In all, sixty-six thousand five hundred dollars. Engineer Corps- THE Conrs or Euommsnsz For y of officers in the Corps of Erigineers, three hundred and sixty tihibusand dollars. 1·¤¤z¤¢i¤y. _ or additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid witlrlthpir current monthly pay, ninety thousand eight hundred and ten dollars. d lp all, four hundred and fifty thousand eight hundred and ten o ars. mg;?¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤r>¤r¢- ORDSANCE DEPARTMENT: For paly of officers in the Ordnance ' Deipartment, one hundred and forty thousand dollars. ¤>¤¤¤*‘¤¥- or additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, thirty thousand dollars. In all, one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. N$t¤1;;¤§{¤¤¤¤»¤’¤¤+ QUABTERMASTEB,S DEPARTMENTS For (pay of officers in the Quarter- ' rlpastlefs (l)i=elpartment, two hundred an twenty-three thousand five ` un re dollars. ¤¤¤¤¢*¤¤Y- _For additional pay to such officers for length of service, to be paid · {nth `thear curgepltl monthly pay, sixty-one thousand seven hundred and wen y- ree o rs. t In talghtwodlmndred and eighty -five thousand two hundred and _ _ wen y- ree dollars. m$“}§¤¤*¤°° D°P•**· Sunsrsmucn DEPARTMELTZ For y of oilieers in the Subsistence ~=¤ P° . (Dipartment, one hundred and thirty-nine thousand five hundred 0 ars.
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