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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/919

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S32 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1307. 1905. P¤ymmer¤' clerks. For pay of ninety payu1asters’ clerks, one hundred and thirty-nine thousand nine hundre and seventy-eight dollars and twelve cents. Mcneenserc. For pay of paymasters’ messengers, fifteen thousand dollars. mvexmgexpemes. For traveling expenses of paymasters’ clerks and expert accountant of the Inspector-General’s Department, fifteen thousand dollars. c¤umm¤¤a1,ew. For e uses of courts-martial, courts of inquiry, military commis- · sions. anxdfompensation of reporters and witnesses attending the same, twenty thousand dollars. once;. buildings For additional pay to officer in charge of public buildings and ‘“° "°‘"'°" D` C' grounds at Washington, District of Columbia, one thousand dollars. C0mm¤t¤ti¤¤ of For commutation of quarters to commissioned officers on duty, withq"""' °m°°”' out troops, at stations where there are no public quarters, two hundred and ninety thousand dollars. Allowance, ematm For travel allowance to enlisted men on discharge, one million tive ‘“°“· hundred thousand dollars. cmzmngnotqnwn. For clothing not drawn due to enlisted men on discharge, six hundred thousand dollars. r¤m¤e¤¤•¤1d1¤¤· For interest on soldiers’ deposits, one hundred and twenty-tive °°’°'"* tlléousand dollars, and so much as may be necessary to pay back such `ts. ·n¤n•u¤,`m. £‘:i·lpay of translator and librarian of the military information divi- · sion, General Stai Corps, one thousand eight hundred dollars. lrpcnnmunum. For pay of expert accountant for the Inspector-General’s Department, two thousand five hundred dollars. Mileage m omcm, For mileage to officers and contract surgeons when authorized by °°°' law, four hundred thousand dollars. Contract surseene. For pay of contract surgeons, three hundred thousand dollars. Tweutglpscr cent in- For additional twenty per ceutum increase on pay of enlisted men °'°°°°’° M mm serving in the Philippine Islands, the Island of Guam, Alaska, China, and Panama, five hundred and thirty-three thousand four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty-one cents. Ten per cent in- For additional ten r ceutum increase on pay of commissioned °r°”°‘ °m°°”` officers serving in the Philippine Islands, the Island of Guam, Alaska, China, and Panama, one hun red and sixty-seven thousand four hundred and twenty-six dollars and thirty cents. Computer- For pay of one computer for artillery board, two thousand five hundred dollars. _,,§1¤3eRe§l1?en{rcvl· For_ Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry, composed of two battalions of four compames each. Omem- Pay of officers of the line, forty-four thousand four hundred dollars. d ger additional pay for length of service, six thousand five hundred o ars. annum men. Pay of enlisted men, ninety-five thousand one hundred and forty- eight dollars.

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°m<=¤¤*· d Pay of officers of the line: Fifty first lieutenants, eighty thousand o ars. . Fifsy second lieutenants, seventy-five thousand dollars. L°°8°'"Y— Ad 'tional for length of service, thirty-four thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. 0n§‘c‘;§S°‘g';P*“**°¤°d N oncommissioned officers and privates, fifty companies, four hun- ` dred and ninety-six thousand four hundred and forty dollars. PW “°°°“”“· All the money hereinbefore a pro riated for pay of the Army and miscellaneous s all be disbursed) and) accounted for by officers of the Pay Department as pay of the Army, and for that purpose shall conm.em of M_ stitute one fund: Provided, That hereafter all the accounts of indimums ’ " vidual paymasters shall be analyzedunder the several heads of the appropriation and recorded in detail b the Paymaster-General of the Army before said accounts are forwarded to the Treasury Department