F IFIY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1403,1404. 1905. 849 for the examination of each applicant whenever live or a less number shall be examined on any one ay, and one dollar for the examination of each additional applicant on such day: Provided, That if twenty A-mm. or more applicants appear on one day, no fewer than twenty shall, if E""‘“"“°*“’· pgacticable, be examined on said day, and that if fewer examinations then made, twenty or more having appeared, then there shall be paid for the first examinations made on the next examination day the ee of one dollar onlv until twenty examinations shall have been made: Provided further, That no fee shall be paid to any member of an _ No me umm mvexamining board unless personally present and assisting in the exam- ‘°° '°“‘°"°"· ination of applicant: Andprov/ided further, That the re rt of such man;. examining surgeons shall specifically state the rating which in their judgment the applicant is entitled to, and the report of such examin— Diggbujdgs to be ing surgeons sha specificall and accurately set forth the physical con- *““Y d°¤°'*b°d· dition of the a plicant, each and every existing disability being fully and carefully dgscribed. The reports of the special examiners of the Impecmm or rs Bureau of Pensions shall be oplen to inspection and copy by the appli- °°"”' cant or his attorney, under suc rules and re Iations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe: And p1·0videjuf•n·the¢·, That no pension pension atmmeys, attorney, claim agent, or other person shall be entitled to receive any °‘°· compensation for services rendered in securing the introduction of a bill or the passage thereof through Con ress ranting pension or increase of pension; and any person who gnall, mgrectly or indirectly, i Peuglw for ;ec<>iv— contract for demand, receive, or retain any compensation for such ignsni services shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and upon conviction “°“· thereof shall, for each and every such offense be iined not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. _ For salaries of eighteen agents for the payment of pensions, at four A¤¤¤¤' ¤¤l¤¤’¤·¤ thousand dollars each, seventy-two thonsan dollars. . · For clerk hire, four hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars: *7**** hi"- Provided, That the amount of clerk hire for each a ncy shall be Promo, apportioned as nearly as practicable in proportion to Sie number of A"°°m°°m°°°' pensioners paid at each agency, and the salaries paid shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. For rents, ten thousand six hundred dollars. Rena. For stationery and other necessary expenses, including fuel and 'stmicnerr. f¤¤L¢w- lights, thirty thousand dollars. For examination and inspection of pension agencies, as provided by .,g;“,°;Q,§;Q__°* ¥’°“ the final provision of the Act of August eighth, eifghteen undred and \’¤\·?‘rr·jj'7·l· eighty-two, amending section fortyseven hun red and sixty-six. “· S*·“°°·"‘*“·*°· ‘"’· Revised Statutes, two thousand five undred dollars. Approved, March 3, 1905. UKAP. .—An A Maki appropriations for the su rt of the Militar M*“’°*‘ 3;,l°°"· i Academy fdftlit fiscal yehtr endiiig Jiiiie ilhirtieth, nineteen hiiiidred and six, and -1 UllR;l’°?`1‘l.__ fn,. other purposes_ [Public, 1*10.137.] Be it enacted by the Semzfp and House oflkpresentatvhyes of the waited States of America in Chngre-sa assembled, That the following sums be, apwljgghélfgjulemv and the same are here by. appropriated, out of any moneiy in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate . for the sugport of the l\ ihtary Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtiet , nineteen hundred and six. PERMANENT usrxnusnnnwr. ,,S§Q§D’$‘,§*{}‘*“‘ °””*" For pay of seven professors, twenty-three thousand dollars:_ _ For pay of one associate professor of mathematics (major), in addition to pay as captain, five undred dollars; von xxxm, rr l—-54
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/936