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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/94

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contagious diseases of animals, and to meet the emergency caused by the ravages of the Mexican cotton-boll weevil and other insects and diseases affecting cotton, and for no other purpose, five hundred thousand dollars, which sum shall remain available until the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five: Proviso.
Provided, That of this sum not to exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars may be expended by the Secretary of Agriculture in such manner as he shall deem best, in cooperation with State experiment stations and practical cotton growers if the Secretary of Agriculture shall deem it advisable, to meet the emergency caused by the ravages of the Mexican cotton-boll weevil and other insects and diseases affecting cotton, and the remainder of the five hundred thousand dollars herein appropriated (not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, however) shall be used exclusively to stamp out and eradicate foot-and-mouth disease and other contagious diseases of animals.

Approved, January 15, 1904.

January 15, 1904.
[H.R. 9866.]
[Public, No. 4.]

Chap. 4.—An Act making appropriations for clearing the Potomac River of ice and for the removal of snow and ice in the District of Columbia.

District of Columbia.
Appropriation for removing ice and snow.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are hereby appropriated, payable from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and from the revenues of the District of Columbia, in equal part, namely:
Potomac River.For clearing the Potomac River of ice within the District of Columbia, five thousand dollars.
Cross walks and gutters.
Vol. 28, p. 809.
Post, p. 12.
For cleaning snow and ice from cross walks and gutters, under the Act approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, five thousand dollars.

Approved, January 15, 1904.

January 18, 1904.
[S. 2300.]
[Public, No. 5.]

Chap. 5.—An Act To supplement and amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River, at or near Grays Point, Missouri," approved January twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and one.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Grays Point, Mo.
Time extended for bridging Mississippi River at.
Vol. 31, p. 744, amended.
That section thirteen of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River, at or near Grays Point, Missouri," be, and the same is hereby, so supplemented and, amended as to extend the time for the completion of the construction of the bridge and approaches by said Act authorized until the twenty-sixth day of January, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seven.

Approved, January 18, 1904.

January 21, 1904.
[H.R. 7273.]
[Public, No. 6.]

Chap. 6.—An Act To enable the city of Phoenix, the town of Tempe, and the town of Mesa, all in Maricopa County, Arizona Territory, severally to issue the bonds of said municipalities for the purpose of aiding in the construction of a freighting and wagon road from any convenient point in the Salt River Valley to the Salt River reservoir dam site in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Arizona.
Wagon road in Maricopa County.
Municipal bond issue for, authorized.
That the city of Phoenix, the town of Tempe, and the town of Mesa, all situated in Maricopa County in the Territory of Arizona, are hereby severally authorized and