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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/952

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FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sims. III. Ch. 1405. 1905. 865 providing for an inspection of meats and animals, and the provisions of the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, V°l·’°·¥’-*°”°- providing for the inspection of live cattle, hogs,·and the carcasses and a{Q,¤P°°g°¤ Of IM products thereof which are the suléjects of interstate and foreign com- c °’ e ` merce, and for other purposes, an to prescribe rules and regulations for the safe transport an humane treatment of export cattle from the ,,'f,§$,‘T°‘"°“°°’°"’°" United States to oreign countries, and the amendatory Act approved v I March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, roviding dir the ° m' p' m _ inspection of live cattle, hogs, and the carcasses and) products thereof which are the subjects of interstate and foreign commerce and for other (purposes, and also the provisions of the Act approved Iiebruary ,,,S,}’,§’,j'P"*“‘ ““' secon , nineteen hundred and three, to enable the Secretary of Agri- V<>l· 31 P- M- culture to more elfectually suppress and revent the spread of contagious and infectious diseases of live stock and for other purposes: Haddad, That live horses be entitled to the same inspection as other mfg ' animals herein named: Provided further, That the Secretary of Agri- ¤,¤gvi¤s i¤¤¤w=i¤¤ culture may, in his discretion, waive the requirement of a certificate °° mm with beef and other products, which are exported to countries that do notrequire such inspection, one million four hundred and thirty-one _ thousand five hundred and twenty dollars, and the Secretary of Agri- ,.§§Y,§°§‘,{lEu€,_il,T““‘” culture is hereby authorized to use any part of this sum he may deem necessary or expedient, in such manner as he may think best, in the collection of information concerning live stock, dairy and other animal products, and to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneumonia, blackleg, tuberculosis, sheep scab‘ glanders or farcy, hog cholera, and other diseases of animals, and for this gxrpose to employ as many persons in the ogy of Washington or elsew re as he may deem necessary and to expe an partof this sum in the purchase and destruction of ,,,,,,’“,'{’,,'§‘°°·,,,,,1,,,°f‘,,,‘§· °' or exposed animals and the guarantine of the same wheneveriu his judgment it is essential to prevent the spread of plenro-pneumonia, ' tuberculosis, or other diseases of animals from one State to another; for WQEQQ ,;({°‘ improving and maintainingthe Bureau Experiment Station, at Bethesda, _ ' Marylan ; to establish, improve, and maintain quarantine stations, and Q‘““‘”"“°’“"'°”’~ to provide proper shelter and equipment for the care of neat cattle * domestic and other animals imported at such ports as may be deemed R m necessary; for printing and pu lishing such reports relating to animal Fm; k I industry as he may direct; and the Secretary of Agriculture may use so rrrigrgriinaidiii, °°° °' much of this sum as he deems necessary for promoting the extension and development of foreign markets for dairy and other farm products . of the United States, and for suitable transportation of the same; and such products may be bought in open market and disposed of at the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, and he is authorized to apply the moneys received from the sales of such products toward the continuation and repetition of such experimenta exports; and the Secre· I‘°b°"°°"‘ tar is hereby authorized to rent suitable buildings in the District of Collhmbia, at an annual rental of not exceeding two thousand five hun— dred dollars to be used for office, laboratory and storage lpuxéposes for said Bureau of Animal lndustry; and the employees o the ureau of I‘“"‘ °I °°'°“°"" Animal Industry outside of the city of Washington may hereafter, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, without additional expense to the Government, be ranted leaves of absence not to exceed lifteen days in any one year: émvided, That the Secretary of Agri- {;’,f,’f,`§,'{k,,, 0, dm., culture may construe the provisions of the Act of March third, eighteen P¤Q%{<=;_*g¤‘{>3•>*¤ hundred and ninety-one, as amended March second eighteen hundred v01. ze, pl m` and ninety-five, for the inspection of live cattle and products thereof, _ to include dairy products intended for exportation to any foreign country and may apply, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him, the provisions of said Act for inspection and certilication appropriate for ascertaining the purity and qualitiy of such products, and may cause the same to be so marked, stampe , or labele as to secure vox. xxxm, rr 1——55