FIEPY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1405. 1905. . 869 _ Bommcar. mvmsmexrroxs AND nxrnmunurs: Investigations relat- ********8* mg to med1c1nal, poisonous, fiber, and other economic plants, seeds, and ` weeds; the collection of plants, traveling expenses, and express and freight charges; for all necessary office.fixtures; the purchase of paper and all other necessary supplies. materials, and apparatus; for rent and ordinary repairs of a bui ding for office and laboratory purposes, not to exceed three thousand dollars; for gas and electric crurent; for telegraph and telephone service; for the employment of investigators, ocal and special agents, clerks, assistants, student or scientific aids, and other labor in conducting e riments in the city of Washington and elsewhere; and in collatingjdigesting, reporting, and illustratin the results of such experiments; subscriptions to, and purchase 0E botanical publications for use in the division; and the preparation, illustration, and publication of reports; to investigate and publish reports upon the useful plants and plant cultures of the tropical territory of the United States, and to investi te, report upon, and introduce other plants promising to be valuable for the tropical territory of the United States, such plants and botanical and agricultural information when secured to be made available for the work of agricultural experiment stations and schools; to investigate the varieties of cereals grown in the United States or suitable for introduction, in order to standardize the naming of varieties as a basis for the experimental work of the State experiment stations, and as an assistance in commercial grading, and to investigate, in cooperation with the Bureau of Chemistry, the cause of deterioration of export grain, particularly in oceanic transit, and devise means .of preventing losses from those ‘ causes. The Secretaryis hereby directed toobtam in the open market “,'{g',,§',,,'j,‘°¤*;°°°° ‘°* samples of seeds oo-Lgraas, clover, or alfalfa, test the same, and if any sue}: seeds are f to be adulterated or misbrauded, or any seeds of · Qlatda blue grass (Poa compressa) are obtained under any other name than Canada blue grass or Poa compressa, to publish the results of the tests, together with the names of the persons by whom the seeds were odered for sale, sixty-three thousand eight hundred and fort dollars. Grass AND roman PLANT 1Nv¤s·r1ea·r1oNs: To enable the Secretary p,f,§Q“fnv‘;,‘§8,f{},’,§{° · of Agriculture to conduct investigations of grasses, forage plants, and animal foods in cooperation with other divisions of the Department; to collect and purchase seeds, roots, and specimens of valuable economic grasses and forage plants for investigation; experimental cultivation and distribution, and for experiments and reports upon the best methods of extirpatin Johnson and other noxious and destructive grasses; to purchase moi, all necessary office fixtures, materials, apparatus, and supplies; to pady freight, express charges, and traveling expenses; forte egraph an telep one service; for gas and electric current; for the employment of local and spgcial agents, clerks, assistants, student or scientific aids, and other la r required in conducting experiments in the city of Washington and elsewhere; rent and repairs of a building not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; to prepare drawings and illustrations for circulars, reports, and bulletins; and the agricultural experiment stations are hereby authorized and directed to cooperate wit the Secretary of Agriculture in establishing and maintaining experimental grass stations, for determining the best methods of caring for and improving meadows and grazing lands, the use of different grasses and forage p ants, and their adaptability to various soils and c imates, the best native and foreign species for reclaiming overstocked ranges and pastures for renovating worn-out lands, for inding drifting sands and washed lands, and for turiing lawns and pleasure grounds, and for solving the various forage problems presented in the several sections of our country, thirty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty dollars.
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