F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1405. 1905. 87], hundred and forty-two thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars, of ·'*“°“°°“*~ which amount not less than two hundred and two thousand dollars shall be allotted for Congressional distribution. And the Secretary of ,d?,§g'g ,,$§$,;a{{°,yl’° Agriculture is hereby directed to expend the said sum, as nearly as ` practicable, in the purchase, testing, and distribution of such valuable seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants, the best he can obtain at a public or private sale, and such as shall be suitable for the res ective localities to which the same are to be ap rtioned, and in which same · are to be distributed as hereinafter stateclrimd such seeds so purchased _ shall include a variety of vegetable and flower seeds suitable for planting. and culture in the various sections of the United States. An equal ,,f,f,‘{,'}_f_`§·f’““l°°°·l *1*** proportion of two-thirds of all seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttings, ` and plants shall, upon their request, after due notification b the Secretary of Agriculture that the allotment to their respective districts is ready for distribution, be su plied to Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress for distribution among their constituents, or mailed by the Department upon the receipt of their addressed franks; such franks to be furnished by the Public Printer, as is now done for document slips, with the names of Senators, Members, and Delegates printed thereon, and the words "United States Department of Agriculture, Congressional Seed Distribution," or such other hraseology as the Secretary may direct; and the person receivin sued) seeds shall be requested to inform the Department of the resulgts of the experiments therewith: Provided, That all seeds, bulbs, plants, and cuttings hmm. herein allotted to Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress .,,HE§'},l§}'§?;'§,?{,,L'{" for distribution remaining uncalled for on the first of April sha I be distributed by the Secretary of Agriculture, giving preference to those persons whose names and addresses have been furnished by Senators and Representatives in Congress, and who have not before, durin the same season, been supplied by the Department; And also, That the Secretary shall re rt, as provided in this Act, the Repcnorpurchnses. place, uantity, and price of seed:) purchased, and the date of purchase;(l1ut nothing in this paragrap shall be construed to prevent the Secretary of Agriculture from sending seeds to those who apply for the same. And the amount herein appropriated shall not be Ncddivemivn of ¤p- diverted or used for any other purpose but for the purchase, testing, pmp umm' " propagation, and distribution of valuable seeds, bulbs, mulberry and other rare and valuable trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants: Procided, hou·ez·er, That upon each envelope or wrapper containing ¤¤·H<·¤m<·¤=¤ nn packages of seeds the contents thereof shall be plainly indicated, an w""`"" the Secretary shall not distribute to any Senator, Representative, or Delegate seeds entirely unfit for the climate and locality he represents, but shall distribute the same so that each member may have seeds of ¤jf_Q_§’{,}_;_b° **‘*¤P*°‘l equal value, as near as may be, and the best adapted to the locality he - represents: l':-oeided also, That the seeds allotted to Senators and §e‘§{{f,{§' °° Representatives for distribution in the districts embraced within the twenty—lifth and thirty-fourth parallels of latitude shall be ready for delivery not later than the tenth day of January: 1}VH7;d€dfUTt]l€7', That thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars of which se§_§]°gQ_§°g_Q fg{;f_{,'{ sum, or so much thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture shall direct, m=»nré¤He§r¤.t ma · be used to collect, urchase, test, propagate, and distribute rare . andy valuable seeds, bulbs, trees, shru s, vines, cuttings, and plants from foreign countries or from our possessions for experiments with reference to their introduction into and cultivation in this country; and the seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants thus collected, purchased, tested, and prqpagated shal not be mcluded in general distribution, but shall be use for experimental tests, to be carried on with the coo eration of the a ricultural experiment stations: Azul provided also, 'lphat ten thousand; dollars of the sum thus appropriated, $***6 *¤¤=b<>¤¤-
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