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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/96

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Persons of any religious denomination made eligible as trustees.
Vol. 6, p. 257.
Sec. 2. That section thirteen of the original charter of February ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, which provides "That persons of every religious denomination shall be capable of being elected trustees; nor shall any person, either as president, professor, tutor, or pupil, be refused admittance into said college, or denied any of the privileges, immunities, or advantages thereof, for or on account of his sentiments in matters of religion," be, and the same is hereby, reenacted and shall be hereafter in full force as a part of said charter.
Trustees empowered to change name of university, etc.Sec. 3. That power is hereby given to the board of trustees of said university to change the name of said university at any regular meeting by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of the board, as described by the charter, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Education. That upon said action being taken a certificate, under the seal of the university, stating the name adopted and the date when the name shall go into effect not less than thirty days nor more than six months from the date of its adoption, together with the fact that said name has been adopted as herein prescribed, shall be filed in the office of the recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia, and thereupon, upon the date specified for the name to go into effect, the university shall be known and designated by the name adopted, and by said new name the said university shall be vested with and convey its real estate, hold, control, and administer endowments and gifts of money and property heretofore and hereafter made for the maintenance of its educational work and do and Change of name not to affect rights, etc.
Vol. 6, p. 255.
perform all acts which it now has the power to do under its said charter. Such change of name shall not in any other way change, affect, or modify in any degree the rights, privileges, obligations, and powers of the said university under the charter of February ninth, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, and the amendatory Acts thereto.
Repeal.Sec. 4. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed.
Approved, January 23, 1904.

January 25, 1904.
[S. 465.]
[Public, No. 8.]

Chap. 34.—An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to permit the Pintsch Compressing Company to lay pipes in certain streets in the city of Washington," approved May nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six.

District of Columbia.
Pintsch Compressing Company.
Vol. 29, p. 124, amended.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled "An Act to permit the Pintsch Compressing Company to lay pipes in certain streets in the city of Washington," approved May nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six be, and the same is hereby amended by adding a new section, to stand as section four, as follows:

May extend pipes to union station."Sec. 4. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to permit extensions of the pipe lines of the said Pintsch Compressing Company to reach the site of the union passenger station or the terminals connected therewith. And the said Commissioners are further authorized to permit the relaying of the pipes of said company to accommodate changes in the authorized grades of streets: Proviso.
Work to be approved by the Commissioners.
Vol. 29, p. 124.
Provided, That all such work shall be done according to regulations to be approved by the said Commissioners, and under the conditions named in said Act approved May nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six."

Approved, January 25, 1904.