896 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1406. 1905. poles, tools, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross arms, ice, record books, stationery, printing, l1very, ho.rses and harness, washing, blacksmithing, forage, extra ahor, new boxes, rent of stable and storeroom, and other necessary items, twelve thousand dollars. Placing wires un- For placing wires of tire-alarm, telegraph and police telephone serv- _ °°"’°“"°‘ ice under ground in existing conduits, including cost of cables, terminal boxes, and posts, connections to and between existing conduits, manholes, hand-holes, posts for fire-alarm and police boxes, extra labor, and other necessary items, twenty-three thousand dollars, to be immediately available. 1·0nce—p•¤¤1 sn For extension of police-patrol system, including purchase of new we boxes, purchase and erection of the necessary poles, cross arms, insu- - lators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, extra labor, and other necessary items, four thousand three hundred dollars. rut-mum ima. For the purchase of twenty-five additional tire-alarm boxes, and for the purchase and erection of the necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pins, braces. wire cable, conduit connections, posts, extra labor, and other necessa items, four thousand five hundred dollars. Hzhuns- Lmutrmo: Foriduminatingmaterial, lighting, extinguishing, repair- _ ing, and cleaning public lamps on avenues, streets, roads, and al eys; · purchasing and expense of erecting and maintainin new lamp-posts, · street designations, lanterns, and fixtures; moving lamp-posts, painting lampéposts and lanterns; replacing and repairing lamp·posts and lanterns ama ed or unfit for service; for .rent of storeroom, cartage of material, Every, and other necessary items, two hundred and Q".;-?2'gmWmp_ eleven thousand dollars: Provided, That no more than twenty dollars per annum shall be paid for each s lamp equipped with a selfregulating ilat-flame burner so adilusted as to secure under all or inary variations of pressure and density a consumption of five cubic feet of gas per hour, nor more than twenty-six dollars per annum for each gas or oil lamp equipped with an incandescent mantle burner of not less than sixty candlepower. And during the iiscal year nineteen hundred and six the price prescribed by Congress for ighting each street lamp in the District of Columbia with gas or oil shall be construed to include the cost of the illuminating material used, lghting and extinguishing lamps, repairing, painting, cleaning, purc asing, and expense of erecting an maintamin lamp- sts, street Au-nightmvlcc. designations, lanterns, and fixtures: Prmiided, That all ofgnid lamps shall burn every night, on the average, from fifteen minutes after sunset to forty-five minutes before sunrise: And prewe`de¢l fm·thw·, sneer designation That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may purchase, '°‘“" erect, light, and maintain such posts, lanterns, signs, and fixtures for street designation purposes, in addition to those mentioned above, as in their ju gment may be necessary, which lamps shall not be subject _ to the restrictions of this rlparagraph except as to the time of burning: p0‘j§;*{:fn°;s{°’ ***8** And ;n·m:irIerZ f?u·Me1·, hat the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to enter into one-year or three-year contracts for any one of the above systems of lighting by gas or oil lamps equipped with incandescent ggsrnse candle mantle burners of not less than sixty candlepower; and hereafter the °°illuminating power of gas furnished by any gas-lighting company. person, or persons in the District of Columbia shall be equal to twenty-two candles. Electric lighting- For electric arc lighting. and for extensions of such service, not £r:L_ijghm me exceeding eighty-four thousand four hundred dollars: lhwmfded, That Pnot more than eighty-five dollars per annum shall be paid for any electric arc light urning from fifteen minutes after sunset to forty- five minutes before sunrise, and operated wholly by means of underground wire; and each arc light shall be of not less than one thousand actual candlepower, and no part of this appropriation shall be used for
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