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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/991

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904 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 1406. 1905. dollars; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; four clerks, two of whom may act as sanitary and food inspectors, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; clerk, six hundred dollars; messenger and janitor, six hundred dollars; pound master, one thousand five hundred dollars; laborers, at not exceedinp forty dollars per month, one thousand nine hundred and twenty do - lars; ambulance driver, five hundred and forty dollars; four sanitary and food inspectors, who shall beveterinary surgeons, at one thousand dollars each, and three sanitary and food inspectors, at nine hundred dollars each, to assist in the enforcement of the milk and pure-food laws, and the regulations relating thereto· in all, forty-seven thousand gfgféemm pm three hundred and sixty dollars: Provided, That no officer or employee mmm. of the health department shall, during his continuance in office, serve ` in his private capacity for fee, gift, or reward any person licensed to keep or maintain a dairy or dairy farm in said District, or to bring or to send milk into said District, or any person who has applied or is . about to ap ly for such license, or any manufacturer or dealer in foods, ”"““ "°““°d· drugs, or cfisinfectants, or similar materials: Itwvvided further, That pvery place wlpere milk is sold shall be deemed a dairy under the law or urpoms o in ction. _ Rem d LANEOUS?peFOP rent of stable, one hundred and twenty o ars. . . mqgygnrion <>f ¢<>¤· For the enforcement of the provisions of an Act to tprevent the Vol.25,p. ns1.' spread of scarlet fever and dip theria in the District o Columbia, approved December twentieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and an v¤1.zs,p.¢m. Act to prevent the s read of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, approved Nfarch third, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and for investigating the cause of cases of typhoid fever reported to v¤1.¤2,p.a. the health department under the provisions of an Act to require cases of typhoid fever occurring in the District of Columbia to be reported to the health department of said District, approved February fourth, nineteen hundred and two, under the direction of the health officer of said District, including salaries or compensation for personal services when ordered in writing by the Commissioners and necessary fO1' the enforcement and execution of said Acts, purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, rent of stable, purchase of reference books, and rent and maintenance of quarantine station, twenty-four thousand five hundred dollars. ¤¤*¤**=¢¤¤¢•¤¤’*¢¤· For maintenance of the disinfectin service, including salaries or compensation for personal services wilnen ordered in writing by the Commissioners and necessary for the maintenance of said service. and for purchase and maintenance of necessary horses. wa ons, and harness, and rent of stable, four thousand five hundred dolhirs. pwxrggge irzrsuu. For emergency fund for the enforcement of the provisions of sec- °‘ ’°‘ ‘ tion four of an Act to provide for the drainage of- lots in the District of Columbia, approved Ma · nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety- six two thousand five hundired dollars. rm muuemusn. dor special services in connection with the detection of the adultergtipn of drugs and of foods, including candy and milk, one hundred o ars. ui;>¤d» ew-. inspec- For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of an Act to °regulatethe sale of milk in the District of Columbia, and for other Vol. 26. p. 709. purposes, approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninetvtive: verse, pmt. an, Act relating to the adulteration of foods and drugs in the District of Columbia, approved February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and v¤1.s0.v.m. ninety-eight, an an Act to prevent the adulteration of candy in the District of Columbia, approved May fifth, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight, for the maintenance of a chemical laboratory, and for the purchase of reference books, one thousand dollars. _