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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1002

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PARCELSPOST CON VENTION-—BELGIUM. Novmmmn 19, 1904. 2297 without recourse, in accordance reglements de douane du pays de with the customs laws and regula- destination. tionsof the country of destination. 2. When the contents of acparcel 2. Les colis contenant des arti- Perishablemicles. which cannot be delivere are cles sujets a deterioration ou a liable to deterioration or corrup— corru tion peuvent étre detruits tion, they may be destroyed at immediatement ou,s’il est ossionce, if necessary, or if expedient, ble, vendus sans avis prealahle ni sold, without previous notice or formalites judiciaires au profit de ]udicial formality, for the beneiit l’ayant-droit; proces-verbal de la of the right person; the particu- vente doit étre adressé par le bu- _ lars of each sale being noticed by reau de destination a celui de dé- one post office to the other. part. 3. An order for redirection or 3. Toute demande de renvoi R°f°¤’°’¤¤**¤8· reforwarding must be accompa— d’un colis doit etre appuyee du nied by the amount due for post- montant du ort dn pour la reage necessary for the return of expedition de l’envoi au bureau the article to the office of origin, d’ori ine calcule d’apres les taxes at the ordinary parcel rates. postades ordinaires. Annan: XII. Arrrrcrs 12. The Post Office Department of Uadministration de chacun des ,°§f¤¤g;P°¤¤*bm*Y either of the contracting countries ys contractants n’est responsa- °“’ ` will not beresponsible for the loss hlle ni de la perte ni de l’avarie or damage of any parcel, and no d’un colis et par consequent ni indemnity can consequently be Pexpéditeur ni le destinataire ne claimed by the sender or addressee sont fondes a réclamer aucune inin either country; but either coun- demnite; cependant chaque pays try is at liberty to indemnify the est libre d’iudemniser Pexpediteur sender of a parcel which has been d’un colis egare ou avarie sur son lost or damaged. territoire. Arrrrcra XIH. —. Airrionn 13. The Postmaster-General of the Le Directeur general des postes rmnumgmauons. United States of America, and the des Etats-Unis d Amerique et l’ad- Administration of the Bel 'an ministration des chemins de fer de State Railroads, shall have authlor- l’E.tat pour la Belgique, sont auity to jointly make such further torisesaarréterde commun accord regulations of order and detail as telles mesures d’ordre et de detail may be found necessary to carry ulterieures qu’ils jugeraient neout the present Convention from cessaires a l’execution de la pretime to time; and may, by agree- sente convention. Ils peuvent ment, prescribe conditions for the apres entente prealable deeider admission to the mails of any of Padinission, sous certaines condithe articles prohibited by Article tions, de colis contenant un ou A¤¢v.i>-ZM II of this Convention. plusieurs des objets prohibes en vertu de Particle 2. . Amacrm XIV. Anrrcnn 1-1. This Convention shall take ef- La presente convention entrera ,,,}Q,*f****°¤ °‘°°“"°¤· feet and operations thereunder en vigueur et ses dispositions shall begin on the first day of seront applicablesa partir du plre- February, 1905, and shall con- mier jour de Fevrier 1905. lle tinue in force until terminated by restera en vigueur jusqu’a ce que mutual agreement; but may be les deux rties cont1—actantes(y annulled at the desire of either mettent ti: de commun accor , VOL xxxm, rr 2-—-6-1