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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1020

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government of Porto Rico upon the condition that such government by proper authority, release to the United States any interest or claim they may have in or upon the lands or buildings reserved under the provisions of said act; and

Whereas, the government of Porto Rico, by an act of the Legislative Assembly of said Island entitled ‘‘An Act Authorizing the Governor of Porto Rico to convey certain lands to the United States for naval, military and other public purposes,’’ approved February 16, 1903, has authorized the governor of Porto Rico to release any interest or claim that the people of said Island ‘‘now have or may hereafter acquire in and upon any lands or buildings belonging to the United States,’’ for public uses under and by virtue of the power vested in the President under the terms of the act of the Congress above cited;

Public lands in Porto Rico reserved for public uses.
Now, Therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, by virtue of the authority in me vested, and in pursuance of said Act of the Congress, approved July 1, 1902, do hereby declare, proclaim and make known that the following described lands be, and the same are hereby, reserved.

Public building site.
For a public building site in the city of San Juan the following parcel of land. That certain tract or piece lying in a northerly direction from block number fifty five of said city and southerly and westerly from block number ninety, the said tract being now vacant and containing an approximate area of one thousand by two hundred feet,—as appears by a map of San Juan, compiled in the office of the Bureau of Public Works, by A. Morales, in 1901.

Marine hospital.
For the use of the Marine hospital service, a parcel of land at San Juan lying next west of the north and south line of the eastern boundary line of the military reservation west of the first line of defense, near San Antonio bridge,—running three hundred feet front east and west along the so called military road and extending toward the north to the old stone ditch defense.

For Custom House purposes:

The lots and buildings used and occupied as custom houses at Ponce, Mayaguez and Humacao and the right until otherwise ordered to the use of the lots and buildings within the Puntilla point at San Juan now used and occupied by the Custom authorities for custom house purposes in said city.

For light house and buoy purposes at San Juan:

Light-houses, etc.
Beginning at a point S. 45 deg. E., 8 ft. from corner of parapet; thence S. 45 deg. E., 7.9 ft; thence S. 7.9 ft.; thence S. 5 deg. E., 4.3 ft.; thence W., 10 ft., thence N. 45 deg. W. 108 ft.; thence N. 7 ft.; thence E. 5 ft.; thence N. 3 ft.; thence N. 45 deg. E., 7.9 ft.; thence E. 7.9 to point of beginning.

Contains 400 sq. ft.

The San Juan Bastion.

Beginning at S. E. cor. of bastion, thence N. 12 deg. 45 W., 36.5 ft.; thence along curb line S. 87 deg. 45 W., 104.5 ft.; thence S. 5 deg. 15 W., 39.5 ft.; thence S. 68 deg., E, 63.2 ft.; thence N. 61 deg. E.,63 ft., to point of beginning.

Contains 0.111 acre.

Land Adjacent to San Juan Bastion.

Beginning at the N. E. corner of San Justo Bastion, thence North 78 deg., 30 East, 86.4 feet; thence South 16 deg, East 41.7 ft.; thence South 39 deg., 45 West, 67.6 feet; thence South 88 deg. West, 91.6 feet; thence North 18 feet; thence North 61 deg. East, 63 feet; thence North 12 deg., 45 West, 32.5 feet; to point of beginning.

Contains 0.168 acre.

For Lamp Shop and Buoy Depot.

Lamp shop, etc.
Beginning at a point in the centre of proposed street; South 75 deg., 56 East, 1356 feet from N. E. corner of Military Ovens and South 4