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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1031

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[No. 14.]

 December 22, 1903. 

By the President of the United States of America.


WHEREAS, The Pine Mountain and Zaca Lake Forest Reserve and The Santa Ynez Forest Reserve, in the State of California, have been heretofore established by proclamations, under the provisions of the acts Vol. 30, p. 1767.
Vol. 30, p. 1776.
Vol. 31, p. 1954.
Vol. 26, p. 1103.
Vol. 30, p. 34.
of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "An Act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes", and June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes";

And whereas, it appears proper that the area embraced in said forest reserves, with the addition thereto of certain lands, should be included in one reserve and be designated by one name; and it appears that the public lands in the State of California, within the limits hereinafter described, are in part covered with timber, and that the public good would be promoted by setting apart and reserving the same as a public reservation;

Santa Barbara Forest Reserve, Califorina, established in place of Pine Mountain and Zaca Lake and Santa Ynez forest reserves.
Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, by virtue of the power vested in me by the aforesaid acts of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that the proclamations heretofore issued respecting said forest reserves are hereby superseded, and The Santa Barbara Forest Reserve is hereby established in place thereof, with boundaries as follows, to wit:

New boundaries.
Beginning at the north-west corner of fractional Township twelve (12) North, Range thirty (30) West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, California; thence southerly along the range line to the south-west corner of said fractional township; thence westerly along the township line to the north-west corner of Section three (3), Township eleven (11) North, Range thirty-one (31) West; thence southerly along the section line to the south-west corner of Section twenty-two (22), said township; thence westerly along the section line to the north-west corner of Section thirty (30), said township; thence southerly along the range line between Ranges thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32) West, to the northern boundary of the rancho Sisquoc; thence in a general south-easterly direction along the boundaries of the ranchos Sisquoc, La Laguna, Canada de los Pinos or College Rancho, Tequepis, and San Marcos, to the most easterly point of the rancho San Marcos; thence in a general south-westerly direction along the southern boundaries of the ranchos San Marcos, Tequepis, Lomas de la Purificacion and Nojoqui to the eastern boundary of the rancho Las Cruces; thence in a general southerly direction along the eastern boundary of the said rancho Las Cruces to the northern boundary of the rancho Nuestra Senora del Refugio; thence in a general south-easterly direction along the northern boundaries of the ranchos Nuestra Senora del Refugio, Canada del Corral, Los Dos Pueblos, La Goleta, Pueblo and Mission Lands of Santa Barbara and the rancho El Rincon (Arellanes) to its most eastern point; thence in a south-westerly direction along the southern boundary of said rancho to the point where it intersects the township line between Township three (3) and four (4) North, Range twenty-five (25) West; thence easterly along the township line to the western boundary of the rancho Santa Ana; thence north-easterly, along the western boundary of said rancho to its intersection with the township line between Townships four (4) and five (5) North, Range twenty-three (23) West; thence easterly along said township line to the western boundary of the rancho Temascal; thence along the western, northern and eastern boundary of said rancho to the northern boundary of