Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1060

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of the 5th P. M., and the NW} of the NW} of Sec. 20, T. 95 N., R. 70 W., of the 5th P. M., both of which tracts are hereby reserved for use of the American Missionary Society for mission purposes; and the Nil of the N Wl; of Sec. 7, T. 96 N., R. 71 W., of the 5th P. M., which is hereby reserved for the Roman Catholic Church for use for mrssron purposes, will, on the eighth day of August, 1904, at 9 o’clock a. m., rn the manner herein prescribed and not otherwise, he opened to entry and settlement and to disposition under the general‘provisions of the homestead and townsite laws of the United States.

’“*"·" Commencing at 9 o’clock a. m., Tuesday, July 5, 1904, and ending at 6 o`clock p. m., Saturday, July 23, 1904, a registration will be ha at Chamberlain, Yankton, Bonesteel, and Fairfax, State of South Dakota, for the purpose of ascertaining what persons desire to enter, settle u on, and acquire title to any of said lan s under the homestead law, and) of ascertaining their qualifications so to do. To obtain registration each applicant will be requiredto show himself duly qualiiied, by written app ioation to be made only on a blank form provided by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, to make homestead entry of these lands under existing laws and to give the registering officer such appropriate matters of description and identity as will protect the applicant and the government against any attempted impersona- ' tion. Registration can not be effected through the use of the mails or the employment of an a nt, excepting that honorably discharged ·P-*2*- soldiers and sailors cutitlfd to the benefits of section twenty-three hundred and four of the Revised Statutes of the_,United States, as '· amended by the act of Congress approved March'}, 1901, (31 Stat., 847) may present their applications for regizstrationand due roofs of their qualifications through an agent of t ir own selection, having a duly executed power of attorney, but no person will be permitted to act as agent for more than one such soldier or sailor. No person will _ _ be permitted to register more than once or in any other than his true · "’g‘°‘ name. Each applicant who shows himself duly qualified will be regis— tered and given a non-transferable certificate to that effect, which will entitle hin1 to go upon and examine the lands to he opened hereunder; but the only purpose for which he can go upon and examine said lands is that of enabling him later on, as hereinin provided, to understandingly select the lands for which he will make entry. No one will be permitted to make settlement upon any of said lands in advance of the opening herein provided for, and during the first sixty days following said oplening no one but registered applicants will be permitted to make omestead settlement upon any ot said lands, and then only in pursuance of a homestead entry duly allowed by the local land officers, or of a soldier’s declaratory statement duly accepted by such officers.

The order in which, durin the first sixtv days following the opening, the registered applicants will be permitted to make homestead entry of the lands opener hereunder, will be determined by a drawing forvthe ` district publicly_ held at Chamberlain, South Dakota, commencing at 9 o’clock a. m., hursday, July 28, 1901, and continuing for such period as may be necessary to complete the same. The drawing will be had under the supervision and immediate observance of a committee of three persons whose integrity is such as to make their control of the drawing a guaranty of its fairness. The members of this committee'will be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, who will prescribe suitable compensation for their services. Preparatorv to this drawing the registration officers will. at the time of registering each applicant who shows himself duly gualitied, make out a card, which must be signed by the applicant. an giving such a description of the applicant as will enable the local land officers to thereafter identify him. This card will be subseguently sealed in a separate envelope which will bear no other distinguishing label or mark than such as may be necessary to show that rt IS to go rnto the drawing. These envelopes will be carefully pre-