Roberts, Julia A. (widow),
pension increased
1335 |
Roberts, Levi,
pension increased
1300 |
Roberts, Rowland J.,
pension increased
1621 |
Robertson, Alexander,
pension increased
1602 |
Robertson, James P.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to sister and brother of
765 |
Robertson, William F.,
pension increased
2037 |
Robinett, David,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to widow of
746 |
Robinson, George F.,
pension increased
2035 |
Robinson, Isaiah, Jr.,
pension increased
1505 |
Robinson, Jason,
pension increased
1513 |
Robinson, Jasper,
pension increased
1565 |
Robinson, John E.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
771 |
Robinson, Lander,
pension increased
1988 |
Robinson, Mary E. (widow),
pension increased
1965 |
Robinson, Robert,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
767 |
Robinson, Samuel,
deficiency appropriation for extra services
422, 1250 |
Robinson, Sarah J. F. (widow),
pension increased
1774 |
Robinson, Somerset,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to executrix of
747 |
Robison, Horace G., alias Frank Cammel,
2027 |
Rochambeau Statue,
proceedings at unveiling of, ordered printed
2078 |
Rock County, Nebr.,
resurvey of certain townships in, authorized
1037 |
Rock Creek, D. C.,
appropriation for Connecticut Avenue Bridge across
893 |
Rock Creek Park, D. C.,
appropriation for care, etc.
376, 897 |
donations of land may be accepted for additions to
376 |
Rock Hill, S. C.,
appropriation for public building
456, 1160 |
Rock Island Arsenal, Ill.,
appropriation for plant for small arms
489 |
for officers' quarters
489 |
for machinery and fixtures
489, 1190 |
for care, etc.
489, 1190 |
for power plant
1190 |
for bridge expenses
489, 1190 |
rent of electric power, etc.
402 |
Rock Island Rapids, Mississippi River,
canal, dams, etc., authorized on banks of
158 |
Rock River, Ill.,
appropriation for improvement of
1140 |
dam across, authorized at Lyndon
1004 |
Rockey, John F.,
pension increased
1585 |
Rockhall, Md.,
appropriation for improvement of harbor
1123 |
Rockhold, Samuel N.,
pension increased
1836 |
Rockwell, Chester S.,
pension increased
2017 |
Rocky Mountains,
appropriation for marking boundary with Canada, west of
505, 1211 |
Rodney, Robert B.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
747 |
Roeber, William,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Roeber, H. and W.,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Roemer, Engelhardt,
pension increased
2001 |
Rogers, Alfred H.,
pension increased
1466 |
Rogers, B. Franklin,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
765 |
Rogers City, Mich.,
preliminary examination of harbor of refuge, to be made
1152 |
Rogers, D. D.,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
785 |
Rogers, Daniel Dennison,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
786 |
Rogers, Francis,
1717 |
Rogers, Francis F.,
pension increased
1592 |
Rogers, George B.,
deficiency appropriation for reimbursing
410 |
Rogers, Jasper N. W.,
1510 |
Rogers, John,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
774 |
Rogers, John L.,
pension increased
1396 |
Rogge, Julius H.,
1639 |
Rogue River Indian War,
deficiency appropriation for expenses
424 |
Roll, Israel,
pension increased
1907 |
Roller, John E.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
762 |
Rollings, Richard,
pension increased
1920 |
Rollins, John,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
797 |
Rollins, Milton A.,
payment to
778 |
Rollins, Samuel,
pension increased
1381 |
Rollins, William W.,
pension increased
1838 |
Romaine, William H.,
pension increased
1789 |
Rome, Ga.,
appropriation for public building
456 |
rent, etc.
456 |
deficiency appropriation for public building, rent
23 |
Rome, Italy,
appropriation for consul-general at
73,921 |
Rondout, N. Y.,
appropriation for improvement of harbor
1120 |
Roof, Jacob A.,
pension increased
1453 |
Root, Angeline P. (widow),
pension increased
1575 |