Saginaw River, Mich.,
appropriation for improvement of
1137 |
Sailmakers, Navy, Chief,
appointment of sailmakers as, after six years' service
346 |
Saims, James G.,
pension increased
1436 |
Saint Andrews Bay,
bridge authorized across, at Grassy Point, Fla.
549 |
Saint Ann's Infant Asylum, D. C.,
appropriation for maintenance
388 |
for care, etc., of children at
909 |
Saint Augustine, Fla.,
transfer of school land to county authorities authorized
815 |
Saint Charles, Mo.,
bridge authorized across Missouri River near
1272 |
Saint Christopher, West Indies,
appropriation for consul at
77, 925 |
Saint Cloud, Minn.,
dam, etc., authorized across Mississippi River between Sauk Rapids and
723 |
Saint Croix River, Minn. and Wis.,
appropriation for improvement of
1139 |
lands withdrawn for reservoirs, headwaters of, restored to homestead entry
990 |
990 |
preliminary examination of, to be made
1152 |
Saint Etienne, France,
appropriation for consul at
76, 924 |
Saint Francis River, Ark.,
appropriation for improvement of
1132 |
bridge authorized across, at Marked Tree
9 |
between Arkansas and Missouri
572 |
preliminary examination of, to be made
1149 |
Saint Francis River, Mo.,
provision for improving, repealed
1148 |
Saint Gall, Switzerland,
appropriation for consul-general at
73 |
for consul at
921 |
for clerk hire
78, 926 |
Saint George Sound, Fla.,
preliminary examination of, to be made, Apalachicola and Carrabelle harbors
1150 |
Saint Helena, Great Britain (see Jamestown),
appropriation for consul at
76, 923 |
Saint Hyacinthe, Quebec,
appropriation for consul at
77, 925 |
Saint James, Mission of,
payment to, for release of title to lands in Vancouver, Wash.
2006 |
Saint James Parish, Wilmington, N. C.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
763 |
St. John, Luther,
pension increased
1468 |
Saint John, New Brunswick,
appropriation for consul at
76, 924 |
Saint Johns County, Fla.,
transfer of school lands in fee from Saint Augustine authorized; sale
815 |
Saint John's Lodge, Newbern, N. C.,
payment to
779 |
Saint John's Mission School, Cheyenne Agency, S. Dak.,
lands of, restored to public domain
2340 |
Saint Johns, Newfoundland,
appropriation for consul at
76, 924 |
Saint Johns, Quebec,
appropriation for consul at
77, 925 |
Saint Johns River, Fla.,
appropriation for lighting
469, 1173 |
for improvement of; contracts
1127 |
appropriation for improvement of; Jacksonville to the ocean
494, 1195 |
Orange Mills Flats
1127 |
at Volusia bar
1127 |
preliminary examination of, to be made, Jacksonville
1150 |
Saint Jones River, Del.,
preliminary examination of, to be made
1150 |
Saint Joseph and Grand Island Railway Company,
may reconstruct bridge across Missouri River, Saint Joseph, Mo.
53 |
Saint Joseph, Mich.,
appropriation for improvement of harbor
1136 |
Saint Joseph; Mo.,
appropriation for public building
456, 1160 |
reconstruction of bridge across Missouri River at
53 |
strip of lands adjoining public building site granted for street purposes to
152 |
Saint Joseph River, Mich.,
bridge authorized across, Berrien County
843 |
Saint Lawrence River, N. Y.,
preliminary examination of, to be made, at Thousand Islands Park
1153 |
provision for improving, at Long Sault Island, repealed
1148 |
Saint Louis Arsenal, Mo.,
right of way through, to Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association
592 |
Saint Louis Bay, Lake Superior,
appropriation for lighting
469, 1173 |
Saint Louis Exposition (see Louisiana Purchase Exposition).
Saint Louis, Mo.,
appropriation for assistant treasurer's office; salaries
108, 654 |
for assay office; salaries
111, 657 |
for wages and expenses
111, 657 |
for warehouse, Indian Service
207, 1062 |
deficiency appropriation for assistant treasurer's office
395 |
preliminary examination to be made of Mississippi River at
1153 |
Saint Louis, San Francisco and Pacific Railroad Company,
may buy franchises, etc., of Arkansas Valley and Western Railway Company
314 |
of Ozark and Cherokee Central Railroad Company
314 |
Saint Marys River, Mich.,
appropriation for enforcing anchorage, etc., regulations
460, 1164 |
for improvement of, at the falls; contracts
1138 |
for improvement of Hay Lake and Neebish channels; contracts
1138 |
for improvement of Middle and West Neebish channels
1196 |
for new lens Detour light-station
1172 |
Saint Michael Canal, Alaska,
preliminary examination of, to be made
1155 |
Saint Michaels, Azores,
appropriation for consul at
77, 925 |
Saint Paul, Minn.,
condemned cannon donated to National Guard armory
1282 |
Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk and Company may excavate, etc., adjoining army building
613 |
Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company,
selection of lands in Montana confirmed
816 |
on former Indian lands approved
816 |