Shreveport Bridge and Terminal Company,
time extended for bridge across Red River by
546 |
Shreveport, La.,
may bridge Red River
629 |
time extended for bridging Red River at
546 |
Shrewsbury River, N. J.,
appropriation for improvement pf
1122 |
Shriver, David,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
733 |
Shum ho ka, Chickasaw Indian,
deficiency appropriation for stock stolen by Comanches from
425 |
Shumate, Newton,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administrator of
775 |
Shurlock, Rebecca C. (widow),
pension increased
1549 |
Shusterech, Matthew,
payment to
805 |
appropriation for minister to
68, 916 |
for secretary of legation
69, 916 |
for interpreter
69, 917 |
for expenses of prisoners
79, 927 |
Sibley, Mo.,
time extended for bridge over Missouri River to Kansas City
142 |
Sibley, Phebe (widow),
pension increased
1575 |
Sidewalks and Curbs, D. C.,
appropriation for repairing, etc.
372, 893 |
Sidewalks, D. C.,
compulsory removal of snow, ice, etc.
12 |
Siebelist, Rudolph,
pension increased
1308 |
Siege Cannon, Army,
appropriation for purchase, manufacture, etc., of, and carriages
235, 845 |
for ammunition
235, 846 |
Sierra Forest Reserve, Cal.,
lands transferred from Yosemite National Park to
703 |
receipts from privileges to be used for Yosemite National Park
703 |
forest reserve laws, etc., extended to lands transferred
703 |
Sierra Leone, Africa,
appropriation for counsul at
77, 925 |
Signal Corps, Army (see also Signal Service),
appropriation for enlisted men; number specified
261, 829 |
for master signal electricians; pay
261 |
increase to take effect immediately
261 |
for pay of officers; longevity
264, 831 |
Signal Office, War Department,
appropriation for clerks, etc.
114, 660 |
for rent
116, 662 |
Signal Service, Army (see also Signal Corps),
appropriation for expenses
260, 828 |
for electrical communication expenses
260, 828 |
for repairing deep-sea cables
260, 828 |
for cable, Sitka to Fort Liscum, Alaska
260 |
Valdez to Seward, Alaska
828 |
deficiency appropriation for
1252 |
Signals, Weather,
penalty for interfering, etc., with
864 |
Sigourney, Charles,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
790, 793 |
Silcott, James H.,
pension increased
1811 |
Siletz Agency, Oreg.,
appropriation for support, etc., of Indians of
204, 1059 |
Silk Investigations,
appropriation for expenses
290 |
Sills, John A.,
pension increased
1358 |
Simmons, Emeline (widow),
1582 |
punishment for unlawfully stamping "United States assay," etc., on articles of
732 |
Silver and Gold,
deficiency appropriation for expenses of commission to establish international ratio between
15 |
Silver Certificates, Philippine Islands,
issue authorized on deposit of coin pesos
697 |
denomination, not less than 2 nor more than 500 pesos
697 |
Silver Coin,
appropriation for transporting
463, 1167 |
deficiency appropriation for transporting
20, 395, 1216 |
Simmerman, Jerome C.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to sole heir of
769 |
Simmons, George M.,
pension increased
1788 |
Simmons, William,
pension increased
1420 |
Simms, George,
pension increased
1843 |
Simms, James M.,
1495 |
Simms, Joseph M.,
to receive full pay as captain, Revenue-Cutter Service
1398 |
Simonds, Sarah Jane (widow),
1811 |
Simpkins, William H. H.,
1900 |
Simpson and Company, J. E.,
claim for extra expenses dry dock, New York, referred to Court of Claims
809 |
Simpson, Merritt R.,
1521 |
Simpson, Rebecca (widow),
1543 |
Simpson, Randolph,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to administratrix of
744 |
Sims, Henry V.,
pension increased
1747 |
Sims, Jesse,
pension increased
1788 |
Sims, Palin H.,
pension increased
1994 |
Sims, Hon. T. W.,
deficiency appropriation for contested-election expenses
420 |
Simson, John,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
786 |
Sinclair, John S.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
747 |
Siner, Jackson D.,
pension increased
1991 |
Sines, John S.,
pension increased
1348 |
Singapore, Straits Settlements,
appropriation for consul-general at
73, 921 |
for clerk hire
78, 926 |