appropriation for mineral lands, Nevada
1185 |
for resurveys, certain townships, Wyoming
1185 |
for private land claims
484 |
powers of land court transferred to Commissioner
485 |
for abandoned military reservations
485, 1186 |
for boundary South Dakota
485 |
deficiency appropriation for
44, 425, 427, 1254, 1257 |
for certain deputy surveyors
1237 |
appropriation for, and their clerks
129, 674 |
Surveyor's Office, D. C.,
appropriation for salaries
366, 888 |
for employees paid from general appropriations
888 |
for temporary employees
888 |
appropriation for ocean and lake, Navy
329, 1097 |
Susquehanna River, Md.,
appropriation for improvement of, Havre De Grace
1123 |
Sussex County, Del.,
life-saving station authorized between Indian River and Fenwicks Island
242 |
Suter, Charles M.,
pension increased
1983 |
Suter, J. T., jr.,
deficiency appropriation for rent
414 |
Suttin, Jane E.,
1399 |
Suttin, John,
payment to
779 |
Sutherland, George H.,
pension increased
1450 |
Suwanee River, Fla.,
appropriation for improvement of
1127 |
Swafford, Claude C.,
1531 |
Swamp-Land Claims and Indemnity,
appropriation for adjusting
482, 1184 |
deficiency appropriation for adjusting
33, 1235 |
Swan, Francis H.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
754, 754 |
Swan, Traverse,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to sole heirs
746 |
Swansea, Wales,
appropriation for consul at
74, 923 |
Swayne, Charles,
appropriation for expenses of impeachment trial
1280 |
proceedings in impeachment of, ordered printed
2087 |
Swayne, Brig. Gen. Wager,
credited for disbursements, etc.
811 |
Sweden and Norway,
appropriation for minister to
68, 916 |
for secretary of legation
69, 916 |
Sweeney, Edward D.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
757 |
Sweeney, Thomas C.,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
779 |
Sweeney, Thomas L..
pension increased
1710 |
Sweet, George H.,
pension increased
1496 |
Sweet, Milton H.,
pension increased
1320 |
Sweet, William,
pension increased
1836 |
Swenson, John,
1307 |
Swentzel, Laura P. (widow),
pension increased
1873 |
Swetnam, C. F.,
payment to
779 |
Swett, Samuel,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
790 |
Swift and Company,
deficiency appropriation for
34 |
Swift and Courtney,
refund of internal-revenue taxes to
808 |
Swift, Lieut. Eben, jr.,
deficiency appropriation for credit in accounts
1224 |
Swigert, Jacob,
payment to
1683 |
Swingle, Nicholas,
granted honorable discharge
2006 |
Swinney, William H.,
pension increased
1868 |
Swinomish Slough, Wash.,
appropriation for improvement of
1145 |
Swisher, John W.,
pension increased
1440 |
Switzer, Andrew W.,
pension increased
1721 |
appropriation for minister to
68, 916 |
for secretary of legation
69, 916 |
Swords, James W.,
pension increased
1611 |
Sydney, New South Wales,
appropriation for consul at
74, 923 |
for clerk hire
78, 926 |
Sydney, Nova Scotia,
appropriation for consul at
76, 924 |
Symons, Thomas W.,
granted leave of absence to serve on New York canal commission
1718 |
Sypher, J. Hale,
claim against Choctaw Nation referred to Court of Claims
208 |
appropriation for services to Choctaws
1063 |
T Street Northeast, D. C.,
proceedings to condemn land for extending
1001 |
"Tabitha," Schooner,
payment of French spoliation claim to administrator of
789 |
Table Sirup,
appropriation for investigations to secure uniform grade of
288, 875 |
Tabor, Francis A.,
pension increased
2063 |
Tabor, James V.,
pension increased
1476 |
Tacoma, Wash.,
appropriation for public building
457, 1160 |
for improvement of harbor; contracts
1144 |
lands granted, for a public park
1013 |
terms of court at
825 |
Tafel, Gustav,
pension increased
1921 |
Taft, Albert H.,
pension increased
1563 |
Tagg, Joseph,
payment of Court of Claims judgment to
769 |
Taggart, Mary (widow),
pension increased
1718 |