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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/648

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FIFI‘Y—EIGH'I.‘H CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 1082-1086. 1905. 1939 laws, the name of John Moore, late of Company A, Fifty-second Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he rs now receiving. | date = February 25, 1905}}

February 25, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 1088.-An Act Granting a pension to Louisa E. Cummings. Fepéuekrylggé

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R¥>¢·esentativee of the United [revue, Ne. ow.] States of America in Congrecc assembled, That the Secretary of the mum E Cum_ Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the mmgs. ' pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension P°““°“· aws, the name of Louisa `. Cummings, widow of Albert S. Cummings, late acting assistant surgeon, United States Army, and pay her

a pension at the rate of eight dollars per month..—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, February 25, 1905.


February 25, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 1084.+An Act Granting an increase of pension to William Huddleson. Fe§Ir¤%w1%59ag!;05·

[Private, No. 978.] Be it enacted the Senate and House of Resentatioee of the United - , States of Ameriba in Congress assembled, mt the Secretary of the gsi2in2gb??;??? Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the Iprovisions and limitations of the (pension ws, the name of William uddleson, late of U. S. S. North arolina and Cactus, United States Navy, and pay him a pension at the rate of

thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving..—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, February 25, 1905.

_ ·

February 25, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 1085.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to John Ryan. reRIm%·yla‘€é;ms.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rripreaentati/ues of the United [mvm, xo. srs.] States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the mmR__“ Interior be and he_is here y, authorized and directed to place on the v»¤»imim{·re.ma. pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of John Ryan, late of Company C, Battalion New J ersey Volunteer Infantry, war with Mexico, and paly him a pension at _

the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that eis now receiving..—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, February 25, 1905.

February 25, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 1086.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to James J'. Creigh. Fegiruarylgg

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatifves of the United [Private, se. ceo.] States of America in Omzgrese assembled, That the Secretary of the Jma, cmg,} Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the r>e¤s1Im`memséa. nsion roll, subject to the (provisions and limitations of the pension liiews, the name of James J. reigh, late of Company A, First Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now

receiving. '.—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, February 25, 1905.