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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/663

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1954 FIFTYFIGHTH coiyomcss. sm. 111. cus. 1150-1154. 1905.


February 25, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 1150.—An Act Granting an increase oi pension to Lewis Hammack.

[Private. Nw 1044-] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mm, States af America in O ness assembled, That the Secretary of the p1’::iF¤¤’li¤¤¤¤:&- Interior be, and he is heigby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of Lewis Hammack, late of Colmlpany K, Second Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, war with eicico, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that he 1S

now receiving. _.—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, February 25, 1905.

 GHZAIP. 1151.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to William Barnhard.

[mvm, No. 10411] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R;(;resentatii;es of the United wmhmkamhni States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the Pension mamma. Interior be and he is hereby. authorized and directed to place on the { pension; roll, subgept Bo the Bpropsigns and limitations of the pension aws, the name o i iam rn ar , late of Company A, Tent Re i- ment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a ension at die rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. | date = February 25, 1905}}


February 25, 1905.
[Private, No. .]

Must be g or i

Chap. 1152.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Isaac Williams.

[Prime. Ne 1046] Be it enacted the Senate and House of R?·resentatives of the United wlsmwighhmaéed Stgztes of in lpongress agenbleg, gait the Slecretpry of the ¤ m · error an _ e is ere y au orize an irecte to p ace on the . pensuipl roll, subgeict tovzhpl provisiidgs s;nélJimitati<;`1s Ipf thpt pension aws e name o saac 1 iams, a o in ny irst e 'ment Pemisylvania Volunteer Infantry, war with li’l;xico,’ and a gliim a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu oftliat he is

now receiving..—An Act Granting a pension to {{{grantee}}}.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of {{{grantee}}}, {{{quality}}}, and pay him a pension at the rate of {{{rate}}} dollars per month.

Approved, February 25, 1905.

F¢}l;£¤{¥lg.§·0£°6- GEL?. 1158.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Alfred Rowan. 1Priv¤w.N<>~104v.1 Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Res tatthe U 'ted · mm www States ofA2IiH'2`2{’d in Congress assernbgd, ¥hratellhe Sgygdtary oin the p.mm¤;¤m,.;_ Interior andbhe is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension ro , su ject to the rovisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of Alfred Eowan, late of Com E F rt - d Regiment United States Colored Volunteer Infglitlily, ando pgysliiibl a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. | date = February 25, 1905}} Fegmarn CHA]?. 1154.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to John Tipton. [1>¤1me,1v0. ms.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Zhase of Rresentatives of the U 'ted mm Tipton_ States ofAme1·2°ca in Congress assembled, 'Fbat the Secretary olnthe

Peusicnincmsed. Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the