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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/876

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A . MONEY-ORDER CONVENTION—TRANSVAAL. 2 1 7 1 ’ ( Foxx “E." Form E. Table showing the particulars of such orders as have been repaid to the Remiuers in the country of issue. Issued in the Transvaal. Issued in the United States. N0. of In- ‘~I . oi In- }?ét°f Digg Of ternational Amount of Order. td Dia': °f tenfnational Amount of Order. ' ‘ Order. B ‘ ‘ Order. ` £s.d.£c. $c.£s.d. To the credit of the Transvul. To the credit of the United States. Foam F. l F F. Tabla showing the particulars of such Orders an have becomevoid. Inued in the Transvnal. Issued in the United States. No. of In- No. of In- · ligétof Dag °f temational Amount of Order. IY?ét°f Dat; °f tematioml Amount of Order. · · order. { · · 0mm-. £s.d.8c. I $c.£.s.d. To the credit of the Tunsvaal. To the credit of the United States.


Foxx M;." 1*'ormG. nn.A:<c1·:.

To the credit of the '1'nnsvaal. l To the credit ol the United States.

Axéngunt of Orders issued ln the United n Amonrut oi Orders lnued in the Trans- _ es . vas ... - .. Amount oi void Orders of TrxnsvaslAmount of void Orders of the United imue ss per table .. states lnue as per table .. Amount 0 Orders repaid in the Trans- Amount o! Orders repaid in the United vul as per table .. p states as per table Sums rem tted by the Transvlul admin- 1 Sums remitted by the United States istration ..,... · , administration ... Dates. Amounts. Dates. Amounts. Balance remaining due to the United ‘ Balance remaining due to the Trans- ~ States . 2 vsnl .. ____________..__..__ _; _.. The above account exhibits n balance of £ .. remaining due m the .. nmce, Johannesburg, .. , 190 Slgnsture of proper accounting: officer of the Trunsveml. The above ststementol account is accepted with a balance of :1 .. due to the .. ndioe. . Washington, .. , 190 Auditor jbr the