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Now, therefore, the High Contracting Parties have to that end resolved to conclude a convention, and have for this purpose appointed their plenipotentiaries, to wit:
Plenipotentiaries.The President of the United States of America, John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States; and
His Britannic Majesty, The Right Honorable Sir Michael H. Herbert, G.C.M.G., C.B., His Majesty’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary;
Who, having exhibited each to the other their respective full powers which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles:

Article I.

Collection of light and habor dues by Zanzibar.
Vol. 8, p.458.
It is understood and agreed between the High Contracting Parties that nothing contained in said Article III of the said Convention of September 21st 1833, shall be construed as preventing the imposition on and collection from vessels of the United States entering any port in the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba of a light due of one anna per registered ton and an added harbor due of one anna per registered ton, His Britannic Majesty, acting in the name of His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar, engaging that the light and harbor dues so imposed and collected shall be applied to the construction and maintenance of lighthouses and buoys for the proper lighting of the coasts of the said islands.

Article II.

Conditions.It is further understood and agreed between the High Contracting Parties that the consent of the United States to the imposition and collection of the light and harbor dues aforesaid is given on the conditions:—
Construction and maintenance of lighthouses, etc.1. That really adequate lighthouses are provided and maintained; also that lights shall be placed upon the buoys when required by American vessels entering or leaving the harbor of Zanzibar at night.
Accounts2. That accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the dues are carefully kept and published.
Adjustment of dues.3. That provision be made for the reduction of the dues if they should hereafter become disproportionate to the expenditure.
Consent of other Powers.4. That the consent of all the other Powers having treaties with Zanzibar be given to the imposition of the said light and harbor dues on their vessels, and that vessels of the United States be subject to no differential treatment.

Article III.

Ratification.The present convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by his Britannic Majesty, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in the City of Washington as soon as practicable.
In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto their respective seals.

Signatures.Done at the City of Washington, this fifth day of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and three.

John Hay [seal.]
Michael H. Herbert [seal.]

Exchange of ratifications.And whereas the said Treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the 24th day of December, one thousand nine hundred and three;