Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/909

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. Y A · 8, 1905. MONEY-ORDER COL VENTIOI\——PERU. A‘?@———- — Snrrnxnzn 12, 1903.


A. Odlce I Stamp. ListNo. .. __...______I List of Honey Orders issued in the United States, payable in the Republic of Peru.

I For use of the Dispatching Exchange Omce at New York. FM “m°fal§g;°::2i-Il:€Fx°mng° §'§ E Ig I as g Payee. Amount. Ez §_,g,_§g Address. Ins {Stu g§<§g·_5 "E <¤¤‘•-•· .-i*.n..-nern.-8 as ggg fg gg! `3 °6§ _ _ I Money. Money. K 5...;% gg'? R°m rk' EEE`? IB EE EI ?I%———`S§2=€"§ G S •·° 5 zl:. cz zI£I5: sI¢ £I¤|d.z 3 II I I 12I3I456.7Is 9 10 I1112 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I II B. I Segleéidleln I. Lista No. ——·——. Lista de gima Hbmdor en Ia Repéblico dé Pero, y pagaderoa en lon Euados Unidos dc America.

Pun uso de la Oncim de N&i·¢ U Pnrnusode la Oilcins do Hm:. Yau_ I I J -5 q, g Deninnturio Importe gg; 3 · ° § Direccion. I -·>• 2 » E Q E ji" E H ‘ Q 5 Ei" E; num Eloueme-?¢Bg'!B -·· _ D OD B B 0 »-· · E; gg 5 3 I Esterliua. gstglog E; 0b¤erv¤<>¤<>¤e¤. . I I . s"’.=a.T.`2I:-we ·. .°°S2‘—·3*‘·°§$ v ¤·¤:.¤.:IIq °I Ic.>1¤¤¤;,¤· E 5 5 g gsga 2 E I.._I__,,'§g.g ·;é‘·

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zz£cz,zIe =EI£,¤IdI8IcI|z o ——- —- —— —I—I-— ; ;,-——·— — ——- —!I————· 2 -————i 1 I I ' 1 2I3 4I5_6I1 s 9 I10 II11I12 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I B. Orrcms Gunn:. ne commos, Dxvxsrox on amos, Lima, .,, 19 . $:80:: He reclbido su Lista No .. , conteniendo los giros libmdos en los Estsdos Unidos de Amerlcn y pagnderos en la Republic; de Peru. A mi vez remito Q U d una cuentn especificodu del monto recibido por glros librudos en Peru y pagederos en los Esmdos Unidos, cuyos detnlles hun Ilegudo A esta oficinn despues del envio de mi Lists anterior No ... Espernndo reclbo de In presente Lista. soy de Ud atente servidor, ` A1 Apxrsrnnmx ms; Common, Oncrss ma Cnxgm pg Gmos, Nueva York. N. li B. Posr Ounce, Nzw Yom:. N. Y., - , Mossy Onnmv. Excmmcn Orncn, .., 19 . Sm: 1 have examined this List of Money Orders from No .. to No .. , inclusive, for sums received in the Republic of Peru, for payment in the United States, amounting in the aggregate to S ... The said list was found to be correct with the following exceptions: . I hsve the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant, _